
I no this is a weird question but...?

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At any point when you are pregnant do the doctors or hospital etc have to examine down below?? apart from when you are in labour of course.




  1. They will do a pap smear test at your first visit. Then when your around 36 weeks pregnant they will do a Strep B test to test for a bacteria that you might have which could harm the baby. I am getting this test done next week. All they do is take a big q-tip and take a sample of your perineum area. When you get later into your pregnancy they will also start checking the cervix to see if it has started dilating or not.

  2. Yes they do!! I got examined a few times, but they mostly press around belly and listen to baby. When you care that much about baby, you don't really care so much about privacy.

  3. no not at all for me, until my contractions started and they needed to check dilation

  4. I think different places/doctors have different policies - I'm in the UK and I'm 23 weeks pregnant now, I haven't been examined down below at all! I've had a few blood tests, they've checked my urine, I've had two regular ultrasounds and the midwife felt my tummy, but that's it.  

  5. usally on your first or second pre-natal visit. That is when my obgyn does it.

  6. They do a pap smear at your first prenatal visit, and they check your cervix pretty regularly near the end.

  7. In the UK it isn't standard procedure to perform a smear test on confirming pregnancy. Unless there is any complications with the pregnancy, they may not need to examine you at all until you're in labour. But it's rare to have a pregnancy without the slightest complication! Personally, no-one looked at my bits until I went overdue with my first pregnancy and they havent seen them yet this time (35 weeks).

  8. Your first prenatal visit they do a pelvic exam and a pap smear

  9. They usually do it at the first appointment, unless you've had a pap recently.

  10. I am in the UK and am currently 27 weeks pregnant and never had any internal exams. I also have a 5 year old son and didnt get examined until I was in labour and even then it was only about 4 times in the whole 36 hours!   If you have regular smear tests then it is not necessary for any internal exams til you are in labour unless there is something wrong. I dont think there is any need for internals when you are pregnant especially with the risk of infection.

  11. Early on - they do a smear test as soon as they find out your preggerr...

  12. It was my second visit, they did a regular pap and screening since I hadn't had one recently. Sometimes if you get an ultrasound early on they might do transvaginal instead of a belly one meaning they will basically stick the ultrasound thingy up there to see the baby. I'm 20 weeks and she hasn't made me take my pants off again yet, so I don't think they will do it until I'm closer to my due date and they start checking for dilation, cervix stuff.

  13. It depends, are you in the US or elsewhere? Here in the UK you only have internal exams if it is absolutley necessary like when you are in labour or if you have any bleeding or any other complications earlier on in your pregnancy. Internals shouldnt be done too often as the more things that get shoved up there, the more risk there is of infection (which seems crazy considering how infection control crazy the US is and they are the ones who do the unnecessary internals all of the time!). If you go to see a doctor or midwife and they say they want to do an internal exam but you dont know why, just make sure you ask why they are wanting to do one and if you arent comfortable with them doing it then say no, they usually arent necessary and if you dont want it doing then you dont have to have it done, YOUR BODY, YOU DECIDE!

  14. In the last trimester and close to the due date you start going to your appts. every week and the check your cervix for thinning and dilation.

  15. Yes. Earlier in your pregnancy the doctor will do a pap smear to check for certain things such as cervical problems, etc. Then when you are closer to having your baby they will check your cervix.

  16. u will get a pap done at ur 1st dr visit and then at the end they will start checking you to see if u are dilating  

  17. As soon as you know you’re pregnant, make a doctor’s appointment. It will probably happen the first visit.  

  18. my first visit after we took our blood test proving we were pregnant the doc inserted an ultrasound stick thing that got a really good look at the baby.   since then i'm 36 weeks and i've got tested for the strep B and they stick a long q-tip in your cha-cha.  i'm not sure after this what they'll do.  i know that when your in labor they'll check you constantly to see how far along you are.

  19. It depends on a lot of things.

    With my daughter it seemed like they were down there every time I went in and with my son they only checked the first time I saw them, when I asked 2 weeks ago, and to get a step test last week.

    I go every week from here until the birth so maybe they will do it every time now?

    I'm 36 weeks and 1 day.

  20. Yup, they do a pelvic exam in the begging and several  others where they feel inside you pelvic area.

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