
I no this sounds ridiculous.

by  |  earlier

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but recently i have been imagining that im in somebody elses shoes. like its my head but in their body, and that i have to live their life. it just goes round in my head untill i can figure out what i would do in this situation. its not just random people, its people that i see like on the bus or walking down the road, and i just suddendly imagen im in their body with my head and i have to go back to their house and do the things they do. i have told people about this but that just laugh. it sounds stupid but its driving me insane. does anyone no what this could be or am i just be a complete nutter :L?




  1. Are you so discontent with your own life that you constantly have to fantasize like this?

  2. You might need to seek help from a psychologist, but I'm not too sure. Just make sure you don't get all paranoid about this, be optimistic, it's not going to be a too bad thing.

    If not, try to distract yourself from thinking in their point of view. For example, listen to music in the bus; close your eyes and have a rest; read a book. There are probably more strategies, but I'm sure you can think of them yourself.  

  3. You're just a deep thinker, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. Let your mind wander. It's only a problem if it keeps you from being able to function day to day.

    We don't have enough people in this world anymore who really let their minds go outside the 'box' society places on them. Think away...

  4. i wish i could help but i have no idea. do you solve there situation?

  5. I think this is just a spiritual/"out of body" experience. You are probably just a very sensitive person.

    If it is bothering you too much do get psychiatric help.  

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