
I noe this is a weird question but.....?

by  |  earlier

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when ur older(im 12) how many kids do u want?

how many years apart? gender? name?

thanks lol<3

first i want a girl

baily(bay-lee) jayne talia

then 5 yrs later a boy

jack william pierce

then 3 yrs later twin grls

harlow gia summer &+

crystal renee rylie


i noe its weird.

but w.e

have fun!




  1. Just remember to live your life to the fullest and meet the perfect man before you have children.

    My children;

    Paige Danielle, 6

    Mackenzie Alexis, 2

    Nicholas Sean or Thomas Dylan, due in 3 weeks 6 days.

  2. I want twin boys :)

    Carson Tyler,

    Bryce Jacob,

    Salek James,

    or Wesley Bryan.

    and after those two, one girl :)

    Anna Elizabeth,

    or Emma Jordan.

  3. lol...i remember when i was 12 i had all my names picked out and all, and i would think about it all the time, having a baby and naming them, and all that kind of stuff... now im 22 and married and about to have my first baby, and my husband didnt like either of the names i had picked out!!! i had picked Brianna for a girl and Christopher James for a boy... the middle name changed a lot for Brianna...but, my husband liked Penelope!!! (which i dont) so, we just picked names we both like.. were supposed to hav a girl, so her names gonna be Khloe Alaxzandra, and if we had a boy, his name would be Alexander Jamison, and we&#039;de call him &#039;Xander&#039;... Chloe was the only girls name we could agree on, and i convinced him to spell it with a K, and i wanted to name the baby after my aunt who passed away, so thats why we chose Alaxzandra and Alexander... ide like to have another baby in about 5 years, and then i&#039;ve always wanted to adopt two, but well see what happens in the future... hav fun!!!

  4. I have a son (3 1/2)

    we are havin another baby in the next year..we dont care if its b/g  

    names for that baby: Eliyla Rae Angelyna Vivi Lu Belle or Maddox Austin Vitale Zephar

    Then we wanna try for twins (two girls preferably):

    Aumery Jo Erralyna Viki Lu Bryse

    Chaycie Lee Amaralyna Vila Lu Brynn

    if we have 2 twin boys..

    Vatalon &amp; Zadoc

    a boy&amp;girl...Aumery&amp;Vatalon

    the twins will be...prolly try n concieve about a year after Eliyla/Maddox :)

  5. Wow, you&#039;ve got your life all planned out. Before this, marry a wonderful man who loves you to pieces and wants to take care of a family. Travel and let him spoil you. He&#039;s out there. Don&#039;t jump the gun. You&#039;re worth waiting for.

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