
I notice today's young people are very tolerant.?

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You know in the sixties teachers used toi call me f*g. not to mention the bad crowd in high school. I just finished San Diego State University and i noticed the students all 20 years old doid not seem to have a judgemental bone in their body. Is this true young peoiple Do you call people f*g less than in other generations??




  1. Depends on where you live, I live in the south and it isn't as acceptable here as you might think.

    People are trying to turn all areas around but it just seems as though some places are stuck in their beliefs

  2. I just finished reading an article about this same topic.  It basically talks about how young people are more open-minded now.  I think you'll really find it interesting.  I know that I did :) :)

  3. People have become numbed to it. I don't call homosexuals "f**s," but I don't accept the lifestyle. The Bible is clearly against homosexuality, so while I don't antagonize those that have chosen that lifestyle, I don't patronize them either. If it's wrong, it's wrong, and a culture accepting it doesn't make it right.

  4. well in England people call each other f**s and dont actually no the true meaning ( i dont ) so it has nothing to do with who you are , its just a name to throw around when they need something to say.  People are very judgemental at a young age , but as there minds mature i have noticed that my fellow sixth formers have " grown up " and stoped picking / bullying on g*y people because they have started to understand them . And its not just g**s , its disabled people to over here as cruel as it seems . The way i see it is judge all you want but keep the vedict to yourself.

  5. It's not that kids are tolerant, it's just that so much has changed in the past decade and there are so many more problems to deal with these days. This generation isn't about scrutinizing people, and there aren't as many "g*y-bashers" in and around these days because it's a much more widely accepted thing. With marriage becoming legal left and right and power couples like ellen and portia or (the previous) rosie and.. whatever her wifes name was.. these days everythings put out on the table and you like it or hate it but you have to accept it or tolerate it. People are finally starting to realize that they can't change the world...

  6. wow it's nice to see a question that is admiring us as opposed to critizing us. People always think we're getting more rebelious and out of control when it is simply their outlook on the matter.

    but back to your question, yes I do think we are more tolerant. I think this is because we now have very open health classes where we talk about all these matters whereas 20 or so years ago these matters weren't even mentioned. I think our world itself has grown to see matters as such in a new light and to accept more people. We learn to accept all kinds of people and not to judge just because of color, race, or sexual preferences.

    again, thank you for pointing this out, it really made my day to see that someone is appreciating us youths =]

    hope this helps =]

  7. Actually the scientific or zoological  term is " fagotius dramaticus gayus" and the common English  term is "f*g".  A word used by the g*y community itself to imply or or denote the actions of an amoral member of the community who has nothing better to do but create drama, interfere with the relationships of others and hand out STD's like a grandmother with baked cookies.

    If you want to see the fagotius dramaticus gayus in the wild, spend any amount of time in their natural habitat the g*y bar. The g*y bar is the Serengeti Plains of the g*y world. Here you can observe this specie stalk its prey. They travel in "prides" like lions but can always been seen leading a pride of hags who support the fagotius dramaticus gayus single out one or more from the heard and then move in for the kill.

    Like ravenous beasts they destroy the relationships of others and separate friends by wedging themselves between two connected and loving parties. You can always spot them doing the dance of death on the dance floor, gyrating and rudely bumping into others while profusely sweating along side their over zealous and generally over weight "hags" run interference and assist in "hitting" on others who are taken.

    Once the "pride" has totally decimated someone they move on leaving in their wake a h**l of a lot of misery. The best way to spot one outside a club is at the mall and they will travel with their "hagitus luniticus" also known as the "hag" in common terms. They assist in cruising the mall and hitting on "the boys" in clothing shops and jewelry stores.

    As far as being non-judgmental it's actually not that they are. The reason the term is not generally used as it once was is because of "political correctness" and now of days most young people that you describe are very self involved and won't take the time to utter words that are likely to cause confrontation. Confrontation takes time and time is something they are not willing to expend on trivial matters like name calling. They have to get to class. They usually reserve these terms for times when they have more time to follow these pursuits, such as while being under attack by a pride.

    Again, the term is actually used more in the g*y community than the str8. In truth, the str8's learned it from the g**s.

    I'm Paranormal Hamburger and I approve this message!

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  8. In California they are.

    In many other areas of the U.S. they still are not....

  9. The sixties is full of racism.

  10. Well I look at it this way.... the older you get the more people that are born. The later in life you are born the less judgemental you will be cause the things that people judge on is because they are scared of the unknown and what things really are like on the other side. I don't have a problem with g*y people but I was also born in the early 80's and g*y people were more open to the fact so it is more socially excepted now than what it was in the 60,50,and 40's. That is why I say yes to that question.

  11. Definately. I don't have any problem with g*y people at all, and I think I know only one or two people who do. The attitude has changed I think, and also g*y people are seen in a different way. Apart from anything else every girl wants a g*y best friend lol!

  12. actually, maybe. maybe the definition changed. i havent heard that word in a while actually.

  13. FYI -

    God is not tolerant of sin.

    Rather, He wishes none would perish.  He is patient, kind, and long-suffering.  But do not be fooled, He is just, and without Christ as your Savior, a person will pay for their own crimes of sin against a holy and righteous God.

    The Bible clearly states that homosexual behavior is not just a sin, but an abomination before God, despite how children treat you.

    Please, count the costs and make your choices.

  14. I know I wouldn't ever utter a derogatory term in hatred at another person just to prove my lack of intelligence.

    Have I said f*g before? Yup. Usually to diffuse a situation I'll call myself one before the aggressor does. That way they don't know what to say next.

  15. young people are tolerant because its the right thing to be.

    in the sixties, you guys had the civil rights movement, the closest thing we have is the homosexuality movement. and g*y rights.

    there is nothing wrong with being non judgemental in fact, in my book, its a huge personality plus

  16. i teach 7th grade and i have found that many of my students find it interesting that classmates are g*y.  They are not at all judgmental and very tolerant. I tend to find the judgmental ones are really based on their parents.  We have had numerous talks about homophobia and the g*y life style choice and i tend to think they are very open minded and mature about it.  As to your f*g question, my students do call each other f**s and cakes but they tend to use it as a general put down. we have also had talks about calling people f**s but they agree that since nobody calls g*y people f**s anymore it is just a insult without meaning.  like r****d for our generation, nobody calls challenged people retards any more so it is not that big of a deal.

    Sorry for the long answer!    

  17. I never stopped it.I guess I haven't heard that one.

  18. yeah things have changed alot since then. When i was growing up people were afraid to say they were g*y but now nobody cares. It's quite sad.  

  19. Im 17, and Im not judgemental to people in the least. If your g*y.. good for you cause I could care less.

    I mean, I joke around with my buddies like ill call somone im CLOSE with like a homo but thats besides the point cause i have friends who are homosexuals...

    Being judgemental is a detrement to life I believe.... and i'm no hippy. So if I see 2 guys together at a bar, I would have no problem catchin the breeze!

    keep it real

  20. It depends where you live the level of homophobia that exists california is very excepting state others aren't so much

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