
I noticed ? about finding a child u gave up for adoption..I am in the same boat u need help w leads email me?

by Guest31776  |  earlier

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I did not know where to turn. The first thing I did was request my medical records from the hospital where I gave birth. One the records it had the name of the adoption agency used. I then went from there and led me to Illinois Vital records, and then other agencies..I have a good agency which will help locate the child for 200.00 /200.00 is founded by state. Anyone can use them! Email me and I can help by giving u sights and agencied I have contacted, Good luck and Keep Praying there is hope..




  1. good for you

  2. i had my baby a tear ago and my mom told me he was dead bbut i found out he was adopted i want him but i dont know what to do.

  3. good luck with that, hope you find your kid:)

    i wish my mum finds me:D

  4. My brother and i were adopted and now we want to find out sister. how do you find her? she is with bio parents last time we saw her.but we  don't want to find the parents. need help for my brother.

  5. I feel for you hunny, I have no idea how it is to have given up a child because you couldnt look after them at the time...but  being able to look after it a few years later, and realise that you cant find your baby, must be horrible.

    Good luck, I wish you and your child all the best.

  6. I'm not sure what to say (as you're in the US and I have no idea how adoption works over there) but I just wanted to say good luck. I can't imagine giving my child up for adoption without knowing where they were going and who was placing them there, I want to say I wish they'd told you who they were when you signed the adoption papers but I guess it was a different time.

    Good luck.

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