
I noticed that my room temperature is 18 C, Do you think is cold and will i get sick?

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My current room has no heater and the outside weather is 10c-9c. Is my room temperature normal...




  1. The average temp in a room is 68 to 72 degrees,if you feel warm & comfortable ok when it gets cold out you will need a heater,a little common sense will go a long way.

  2. Good grief William B.  You have a computer and you are on the internet - look it up.  The formula is F = 9/5C +32 so 18C = 64.4C.  That's a bit chilly but if your room has no heater and not receiving heat from somewhere else in the house it will eventually reach the outside temperature.  If you are chilly, wear a sweater or jacket.

  3. With the house insulation and what heat sources you have that is about right. Dress warmly and you'll be all right. I've slept in below freezing rooms and been comfortable with just body heat and blankets.

  4. first of all what is 18C ? whats that in F

    cold usualy will keep germs down thats why operating rooms are so cold,

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