
I noticed that some were foaled in May. Anyone know Eight Bells' Date of foaling?

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I was looking up ages, and discovered that some were foaled this month. Cool Coal Man was foaled May 25th..(youngest I could find.)




  1. Eight Belles was just over 2y/o I think she was 2.5

  2. 2-23-2005....poor girl. She wasn't born in 2006, she was born in 2005. Don't answer unless you know

  3. Although I know horse racing will never be stopped, I can't help but feel that it is many times cruel. I don't think they should ever hold races on a muddy or wet track. This is such a terrible waste of a beautiful creature-and for what? Man's enjoyment?

    She had a very promising future at only 2 yrs of age.

  4. Eight bells foal date was Feb. 23.

  5. Glad to know someone besides me was shedding tears just hours ago at the moment she was euthenized, poor girl......   :(

  6. It really doesn't matter what day a horse was born, they all turn a year older each January 1st.

    It's always saddens me when a GREAT horse is lost. Unfortunately, for such a large animal, their legs are really fragile and susceptible to all kinds of injuries. In a sport such as horse racing, the constant pounding of the ground from racing - training - racing  eventually causes the legs to break down. Most ex-race horses leave the track with leg and foot injuries.

    All tracks should be made of synthetic materials. The synthetic materials are made of  rubbers and fibers mixed with silica sand and coated with wax. It has been proven to largely reduce the number of injuries to horses. You have to ask yourself, why this hasn't been made a requirement for racetracks across America? What's going on here? Why do we keep losing these GREAT horses to the same injuries? Why is something not being done?

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