
I noticed that when some horses have a blindfold over their eyes?

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why?is it to keep them from beiing skiddish,or keep out dust, or medicate them?




  1. They're called blinkers or blinders, if you are talking about the kind that blocks out the horse's piriforal vision. They eliminate sights that scare some skittish, nervous, or just wound-up horses.

  2. If it's during a race, I think it's too keep the horse focused more on the track ahead and not the horses and riders around them. It helps them not get spooked. If it's after the race, then I think it's just to protect their eyes from dust.

  3. to keep them from getting distracted

  4. some horses wear blinkers 1/2 cup, or full cups.....

    to keep them focus.

    when you see blindfolds it's to get the horse to load into the gate,

    without hesitating, and causing a delay in the race, and

    once the horse goes in the gate, they remove the blindfolds.

    some horses have they won't here the

    loud noise as they turf for home....blindfolds, ear-muffs,

    they still better get out of .....DYLAN THOMAS WAY


  5. What you are talking about are called blinkers.  Blinkers are used to keep horses from getting distracted so they will keep focused on what is in front of them.

  6. The "blindfold" that you're asking about is called a fly mask.  They are made from a fine mesh that looks solid from a distance, but when held close to the eyes, is see-through.  They ae used to keep insects from contstantly buzzing around the horse's eyes, and causing irritation.

  7. Sounds like you mean a fly mask....used to keep flies off their face and out of their eyes.  Some even include the ears.

  8. It's called a fly mask. Keeps the flies out of their eyes.

  9. It's so they will not freak out! They would spook if they saw the horses beside them so close together.

  10. well shortstu,if a horse wore a blindfold during a race how the h**l would he see where he is going??--totall twaddle again.

    Racehorse- you may have worked in racing for a few years but your knowledge of how blinkers work is lamentable .

    Lets presume,asker,that you are talking about the blindfold that calms a horse prior to loading in stalls before a race.this works very well as the horse is not stupid and will not play up when the blindfold is applied.this is a generality but enough for now.Lets sort the blinkers -this could be what you are referring too.they come in all different forms but the sole purpose of the blinkers is to reinforce the natural instinct of the horse to race/gallop against another.i.e if they cannot see the one next to them they certainly can hear them,some blinkers have slits to allow a bit of vision,different horses respond to different set ups.the basic premise is that they will compete stronger against fellow animals.Horses will not gallop where they cannot see and so the blinkers also aid the steering on wayward animals.the fitting of blinkers is such a mind altering tool that it is mandatory to declare them for a race,and also if a horse regularly wears them it is mandatory to say if they will not be worn.

    joey b -i think you will find that what you call blinders on police horses are eye shields to protect them from nutters who would try and blind them.a police horse needs periphal vision so he can see whats going on,they are made of clear unbreakable plastic,the blinders/eyeshields are for me -i know.

  11. Those things are actually called blinders, and they're used on horses not only on the track, but when ridden by officers of the law. The blinders serve to keep the horse only focused on what is ahead, and not pay attention to what it sees in its peripherals (corners of your eyes)

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