
I noticed there are "Spanish" everywhere now...

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Instructions, manuals, food, electric appliance, and so on and so forth...

I know there are many, many, many hispanic people who don't speak English.

But can that mean you are accepting illegal immigrants from South America?




  1. As a Texan that speaks both Spanish & English, I can tell you that the majority of new illegals are no longer Mexican, but Central & South American. We have a severe problem due to the drug wars raging in most countries South of our border & it is spilling over into the US.  Recently the cost of cheap illegal labor has become more important to our government & corporations than the lives of American Citizens. Not only are they running drugs accross the border, they are kidnapping & murdering Americans with impunity.  Many federal officials in the South Western US appear to have been corrupted by drug dealers & drug money from the drug cartels. They bribe Judges & Federal prosecutors & kill some they can't bribe. Recently several border patrolmen have been imprisoned for wounding a drug dealer... probably at the behest of the Mexican drug cartel. Recently a border patrolman was murdered in California, but his suspected murderer was released after being apprehended in Mexico (a paper work problem by US prosecutors, I'm told). The Mexican government is in jepordy of losing the war to control the government by drug cartels & the US border states are next on their list.

    I have a handgun permit & carry one at all times, the US government doesn't have the ability or will to protect American citizens... I suspect corruption. Political pandering has put Citizens at risk from the drug cartels.  

  2. For some reason, many people are just noticing thatSpanish options are offered.  This has been the norm for decades, but it hasn't been noticed before.  Many parts of the US were once Spanish and Mexican.  When these areas were annexed by the US, many Spaniards and Mexicans became suddenly Americans.

  3. There are a lot of Hispanic people, both legal and illegal, in the US.

    We are spending millions to teach them in Spanish, have Spanish translations on about everything.

    I still get upset about "For English, press 1" on my phone.

    This is America, learn to speak English or go home until you can.

  4. I didn't know cheap American alcohol caused such a hangover, Jon Stewart fan.

    Excellent point Bonita - those of us who are multi-lingual (including myself) are more comfortable reading in our own language when that opportunity is available. I am getting increasingly disgusted with the racist opinions that many people, who are descendants of immigrants themselves, have towards people who are often more hard-working and honest than those who were born here.

    Being that I am fluent in English, Spanish and French, it's hard for me to understand why English-speaking people vent against multi-lingualism, which would benefit them so much in today's global economy.

    We all have someone in our families who came here (whether if it done legally or not) from another country + Law Dog they didn't all speak english when they came here.

    For all I know you are of Italian or Greek descent and just because English is your dominant language doesn't mean another wasn't spoken in your family at one point.

    If you want to help immigrants, legal or not, help them with an education so they are qualified for better jobs than what many end up doing because Americans won't work at Tyson for $6hr or pick strawberries in pesticidefilled fields when it's100 in the shade

    hi Craig: assuming you only speak English - how would you like it if people in other countries thought the same of you because you're unable to speak their language?

  5. Spanish is the second largest language in America probably because of our Spanish roots. No that doesn't mean we're accepting illegal immigrants from South America.

  6. Little kid shows!?!?!?!?

  7. yes there are quite a lot of illegals here and growing... but in some ways they are the base of the economy...

    they take the dirty jobs that nobody else wants but has to be done... they work on farms to feed you and your children... etc

    sometimes i feel like the US overaccomidates for certain immigrants and i do feel like we should have an official language to make things easier...

    but i don't think sending the illegals back home is the answer

  8. Jesus Christ... Native Indians where the first people in "America" some dumbass got on a boat and decided to set sail and land in "America" and since then "English" has been created. It is NOT the native language of "America" so if you want to call someone "lazy" for learning a language that is not native your a dumb!#@...  

  9. Hey, banana they don't necessarily help the U.S. economy. A lot of times it hurts more than helps because those illegal immigrants tend to send money they earned in the U.S. over to their families in Mexico. So although we are getting the things we don't want to be doing, finished around here, it doesn't help our econ.  

  10. It is not spanish.

    It is Mexican.

    Mexicans do not speak spanish.

    Like we Americans do not speak true English.

    It is not the race card to call it what it is.

    Telling the truth seems to hurt some feelings?

    Go ask A mexican and they will tell you.

  11. Ummm, they sell appliances in Mexico too.

  12. well its not just because of US consumers that labels are in spanish, nevermind the fact that someone speaking spanish does not make them illegal aliens (thats another assumption you made)

    but a good chunk of the products we use are export to Spanish speaking countries like Mexico (our 3 largest trading partner) central and South America.

    Global Trade

    in addition i recently came back form europe where appliances are labled in all EU languages like 15+!!!

  13. Mexicans and others are continuing the work of the Conquistadors.......british monarchy eat your heart out.

  14. Everyone loves those crazy mexicans i mean they do clean your hotel rooms

  15. And this is a problem, WHY?? There are also instructions, manuals, etc in Chinese and French. Not EVERYONE speaks English you know?

  16. Hey, bubbles, for your information, immigrants ( specially Mexicans ) have been coming here since the yanks seized half of Mexican territory

    It is after 911 when certain people here are violently ranting against foreigners, legal, illegal, you mention it

  17. i agree with bananasandwhich,

    I welcome the diversity!!!

  18. I live in the U.S., if your too lazy to learn English, don't do business with me or talk to me, I don't deal with lazy disrespectful people.

  19. Most people in South Texas, are uniformly opposed to the republican border fence that the Bush administration is building.

    “Everybody around here thinks that it’s a pretty foolish endeavour,”

    This relationship means that Juárez’s worsening violence is El Paso’s problem, too.

    Some 2,500 Mexican soldiers and federal police were deployed to Juárez in March, but the violence has not abated. El Paso is a safe city, but residents are becoming anxious. The local hospital has been locked down twice while doctors treated Mexican police officers who had been wounded. They were worried that gangsters would burst in to finish the job, as has happened in Juarez. Even if the violence stays on the southern side of the river, it casts a shadow.

  20. Read your English

    Ill read my Spanish

    People who read french can read their french

    And those who are japanese can read their Japanese

    They have instructions in many languages

    Also in your question you said "Instructions, manuals, food, electric appliance, and so on and so forth"

    Sure they do in this asian store close to where i live they have directions in tagalog english and spanish.

    True english is not the official language

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