
I now have to approve my own posts at my Yahoo group. What up wid dat?

by  |  earlier

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Seems like a waste of time to screen owner and moderator posts. Is that something I can address with settings? A maintenance glitch? Or a permanent feature?




  1. odd, April Fools is over.  you have any moderators that could have reset that?

    locate yourself in members list- click edit membership below your ID- Posting Messages: Override: This member's posts are always moderated (Edit) <-- click the edit

    * Messages posted by this member are not moderated.

    click save changes

  2. You have to change your message settings.

    In your group members list go to your profile name and click "edit membership".  On the screen that comes up, cursor down to where it says "Posting messages", click on Edit to the extreme right of that, at the next screen click on the dot that says " Messages posted by this member are not moderated". Click the Save changes bar at the bottom of the page, cursor down to the bottom of the next page and click Save changes.  Done.

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