
I offered an item to someone on freecycle and they won't contact me how long do I wait to give to someone else

by  |  earlier

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I don't want to wait to long because a lot of other people want this item but the person will not get a hold of me to come pick it up. What is the protocol?




  1. I would mail them once more saying if they do not contact you to arrange a collection time within 24 hours, then you will assume they don't want it and offer it to the next person on the list.

    I've had this a couple of times with Freecycle and it's really annoying that people are so discourteous.

  2. I use Freecycle quite frequently.  I have no patience for people who aren't considerate, given they are getting something for free.  

    If I offer something and I do not receive a reply within two days, I move on to the next person. (Usually they answer on the same day as the item is offered).

    I make an appointment for a given day.  I'm willing to even wait a week if they say that's the earliest they can pick up the item.

    If they don't show up as scheduled, I send them a polite note advising them that they didn't keep their appointment and the item will now be offered to someone else.

  3. I use freecycle all the time and if they do not email me after I attempt to email them twice then I repost it. If we make a scheduled meeting, they do not show I'll hold it for 24 hours & then repost it. So if you haven't heard from them in over 24 hours then repost it.

  4. If you've made an honest attempt to contact and hold an item for a person, and that person has yet to contact you, I'd politely move on to the next.  If you've waited more than a couple days, you've waited long enough.

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