
I often dream about getting mad at someone, what does this mean?

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I dream about getting at this one person a lot.

What does this mean?

In addition, i find it weird because yesterday, the dream i dreamt of continued from one of the dreams i had before. Like that person did someone that angered me in my dream before and yesterday they did it again and in my dream i still remembered that it happened before (in my dreams, it didn't happen in reality)

Does anyone know what this means?




  1. Maybe someone in your life adgitates you and you are finally going to get your revenge..... who knows it could mean something else though i predicted one of my friends dreams once(they were selling nachos on her belly)

  2. To dream of being mad is a sign of sadness, but then again, a dream can be just a dream

  3. Do you know the person in your dreams, like a family member or friend, or is it someone you made up.

    Alot of times I have dreams where I get mad at my sister or something.  Usually it's because she did something that bugged me.  Dreaming I'm mad at her actually makes me less mad towards her in real life.

    Or there might be something going on in your life that your upset about and is making you angry.  Like someone changing something and you don't agree.  It may not seem like a big deal when your awake but is coming out in your dreams.

  4. If your anger is at someone you know you will benefit materially through a friend  if the cause of the anger was unknown to you you will soon be celebrating some joyous good news..sweet dreams

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