
I often have dreams that are somewhat lucid?

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I can, in almost all of my dreams, choose my actions, no matter how bizarre the environment, characters are that I interact with, although I ALWAYS react (in dream) how I would react if it were real life. Any suggestions as to how I can train myself to realize I am dreaming so it can become truly lucid. I have been trying although it is very difficult as I often dont realize im dreaming in some VERY bizarre dreams.




  1. and are helpful.

    "Soul Traveler," Albert Taylor, is excellent, as are "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi, "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet, and "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton.

  2. write them down. itll process through your mind you can control them kinda. luckky person you are. :)

  3. Ahh trying to become Lucid, I remember a time where I was trying to master this technique. There are manyyyyy theories to training yourself. You're not really choosing your actions, your subconcious mind is choosing the actions and they are often similar because well.. its you! When you are aware in a dream it becomes very apparent it is a dream and you are either thrown out of it or stay aware but everything gets messed up. There are many signs that you should train yourself to do many times during the day, and once you become accustomed to doing them in your dream they will point out that you are in fact dreaming. Look at your hands often, in your dreams your hands are usually disoriented in some way. Close one eye and try to look  at your nose, your subconcious doesn't reproduce small details like this in your dream, so if you can't see your nose you're dreaming. Look at the time and then look at it again, it'll change or show random symbols.

    There are many other "dream signs" but these are the ones I have personally tested.

    The lucid dreaming community is actually bigger then you think, I remember hanging around a website called ld4all (google it) and I got many tips through there.

    btw: If you tend to have the same dreams over and over, keep a dream journal. The better you remember your dreams the more often you'll remember them. Every night you dream MANY times, but most people cant remember most of their dreams. This is important because you could have a lucid dream and not even know it!


  4. You think you have control but you really dont have full control I know where your coming from though.

    Everyone has bizzarre dreams.

  5. My dreams are the exact same way.

    I don't think you can /make/ yourself realize you're dreaming.

    Sometimes I'm somewhat conscious during a dream, meaning I DO realize I'm dreaming, but thats not all of the time, its very rarely. I can't control when I'm lucid, it just happens when it wants to happen =P

  6. It's OK. we all have crazy dreams every now and then. Don't think it's weird , have fun with it!

  7. If you can practice some meditation each day then you'll lucid dream much more. And, meditation will give you a lot of other benefits like reduced stress, inner peace, relaxation, increases intuition, and as a side-effect it will help you to lucid dream.

    As far as something to help you realize you're lucid dreaming, what I do is visualize myself dreaming and recognizing that I'm dreaming. Practice this visualization every day. This will help get it into your subconscious so that when you dream you will have that realization.

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