
I only consumed 900 calories today, how did I gain 2.5 lbs?

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I have been religiously watching my calories the last two weeks as I am trying to drop weight for a wedding in 3 weeks.

When I woke up this morning the scale said 142.5. I was getting ready for bed, and i stepped on it and it said 145.0.

How is it possible to gain 2.5 lbs when I did 40 minutes of cardio and only consumed 900 calories???

Is it unusual to have your weight jump so much?




  1. NO.. You always weigh more at night. Thats why they always tell you to weigh yourself first thing in the morning. Or at least weight yourself at the same time every day..  I bet when you get on the scale in the morning it will say less than 142. I know this because I experience this. your body still is digesting your food and you will burn more calories sleeping tonight. SO DO NOT WORRY.. its not you its just your body fluctuate weight all during the day.So no worries you are doing good..  

  2. u must have drank a lot of water i guess. it also depends on the scale ur using cause its prolly not 100% accurate everytime.  

  3. Now're not being honest about something ! Take a good hard look at what you ACTUALLY ate. Including all those snacks you didn't count. You're getting calories from somewhere. Maybe even high calorie beverages that you have rationalized don't count for a lot of calories.

  4. It's most likely just water weight. All your liquids are stored up. Tomorrow morning you will surely be 2+ lbs lighter!

  5. There is something wrong with your machine, its reporting inaccurate and inconsistent readings.  

  6. could be muscle.

  7. I consume over 2200 calories a day and have trouble gaining weight lol.

    I know it has nothing to do with your question but it's funny.

  8. You should check your scale at night because you always weigh more. The three reasons I can think of that might have caused this is:

    1. At night you always weigh more than in the morning because in the morning you have just woken up and eaten nothing, but at night you have all your daily foods still in your stomach! (most likely)

    2. It could be the water, which should go by tomorrow morning.

    3. Something is wrong with your scale (but i highly doubt this!)

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