
I only get about one letter a week is this normal?

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my boyfriend i currently at basic training for the army and i only get about one letter from him a week. is that normal? when he doesnt get a letter from me every other day or so he starts to wonder why hes not getting any letters, but why does he only send me about one every week?




  1. When he gets to his AIT, he will write to you more. Trust me on this. He, like 95% of the people in his unit are getting used to the Army and most of their families are wanting more mail too. For the most part, during Army Basic and Marine Boot, they will only get one or two hour free time a week and they have to spend that time getting their gear together, uniforms cleaned, etc.  

  2. that's probably all he has time to write.  from what i've heard, basic is hard.  the fact that he gets upset when he doesn't get letters from you means that he cares.  you can't just think about yourself.  he is going through a really difficult experience and you should be there for him because I think that he def would be there for you.  

  3. yes, this is totally normal. I am a Marine, however, so I have never been to Army boot camp, but if it is in anyway the same, then he will only get mail maybe once or twice a week. I used to get letters months after I graduated written while I was in boot camp. It is just that military mail is very slow and in boot camp, they only disseminate mail a couple times a week.  

  4. Because he is busy learning how to survive in a war zone. This takes just a little more time than learning "paper or plastic". Put your big girl panties on and get over it.

  5. i can still remmember going through basic, the reasons most of my platoon didnt send letters through the mail was because we were exhausted. we used to wake up at 4 and do physical training till 7. after that we trained all day till 9 at night. plus pull a one hour night shift a day. their is 3 reasons why you dont get that many letters, 1-he is just exhausted 2- he is out in the field to were it is difficult to write, or 3- the lettters are just getting lost in the mail. well best wishes to you and your future soldier, HOOAH!!!!!!

  6. they are only given a few hours one day a week to write.  

    Heck I didn't get a single one while mine was in Boot camp..or OCS...

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