
I only got my guppies yesterday (2 males and 1 female) and shes already had 6 Fry?

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I am really worried,my little girl likes them but, are they going to keep having loads of fry.I only have a 30 litre biorb tank




  1. Okay first of all, you will soon have THOUSANDS of fry because female guppies are never NOT pregnant. As soon as they deliver all their babies then they will get pregnant again. Also, the two males WILL FIGHT over the female, and pester her. You need to have AT LEAST 2 females per male or no females at all, that is the rule to prevent stress and death, or if you do not want to have hundreds of fry soon, then return the female. Otherwise, every month you will get about 35 new fry for the next few months, and when she runs out they will just get her pregnant again meanwhile harassing her and each other With a tank that is 30 litres, you can have a maximum of 6-7 guppies in it. I suggest you return the female, and buy about 4-5 males (They are more colorful anyway.) Good luck.

  2. YES!  Guppies propagate like it's their job.  2 males together with only a female is not good either, they tend to fight with each other and pester the female constantly.  They can have a batch of fry every month, and they can have 30 at a time.  Some pet stores will take the fry off your hands.  

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