
I only got paid for 2 days out of 2 weeks?

by  |  earlier

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I started my new job two weeks ago, and I get paid

today. I missed the first pay day since I worked only

2 days before the actual pay day so I waited until today

only to find they only paid me for two days. What the h**l

is up with that? What should I say when I go talk to my





  1. ask about how you are paid. this should have been ask right after you took job.

  2. It sounds like your paychecks come one pay period behind. In other words, the check you received today was from the pay period that ended two weeks ago, the check you receive in two weeks will be for the pay period following that, and so forth.

    You generally don't get a check instantly after a pay period ends. They're practically always for work that was done one or two pay periods earlier.

  3. this is a ti,e i'd beat the streets & really pound pavement 4 a new job

  4. I agree it sounds like you wait one week for the week worked. If your pay period ended on Friday you would not receive your pay for that week until the following Friday.

    At the other end if you quit your job on a Friday you would still have a pay check coming to you a week after you quit. This has become the norm. Some have to wait two weeks.

  5. Looks like they pay with a week in the rears.  In other words, there is one week behind.  On your next pay check you will receive a check for the whole week.  Some companies pay on Wednesday, or thursdays, or any day of the week.

    For example if you started working on Thursday the 13. As far as the company payroll is concern the week ended on Saturday the 16.  they process payroll on Tuesday with a check delivery for Thursday or Friday.

    that means your check should be for the 13 and the 14, Thursday and Friday only.  Next week you will have a check for the whole week.

    Your check stub should have the dates that you are been paid, the date of pay day, the hourly amount and the hours that you are being paid.  Check the stub before you talk to your supervisor.  

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