
I only have 3 AP's next year. Should I self-study for one? If so, which one?

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This year I took AP biology. I got an A both semesters and received a 5 on the AP test. However, I admit that it was quite a bit of work. Next year I'm taking AP Spanish, AP English, and AP US History.

I'm also taking Physic's honors, Pre-Calc, 1 sport, and 2 other classes.

So should I self-study? I'm a relatively good student. I've had a 4.0 since the 6th grade but ruined it this year because I got a B one semester in 1 subject.

If so, hould I study for AP chem? I'm a bit unsure because I never got a good background in chem. Even though I did receive A's on hard tests I took I'm not sure because I heard it was pretty d**n hard.

Or should I go for AP Psychology instead? Note that I'm not planning on being a psychologist of any sort. However, it's one of the easier AP's, right? And I like science. But is it really worth any value to colleges?

Thank you!




  1. I would not recommend self-studying as I am not good at that.  However, if you must, I think you can self-study for AP Psychology.  I did my best in that one because it is one of the easier AP tests.  Good luck.

  2. If you're going to self-study, here's a great resource for you to prepare for the AP Test.

  3. I did that my senior year - three APs and self-studying for AP psych. However, I found myself really low on spare time, so I didn't get around to that "self-studying" until about a week before the AP test. I read the entire AP book (can't remember what brand - it was black and yellow on the cover) cover to cover and crammed the info in that time frame and got a 4 on the test without even trying very hard - it was super easy. So I would say go for the AP Psych self-studying - especially if you're diligent about studying the entire year (unlike me), you'll be fine!!

  4. I doubt AP Psychology would be much help in college, unless you plan on majoring in Psychology. And taking AP Chem test on your own will be hard!!! I took the AP Chem test and I almost killed myself, twice. And I had the class.

  5. Do not self study AP chem on your own- unless you have a lab in your house somewhere. Either tack it on to your schedule now, take it later, or leave it. The best courses to self study are the social sciences- histories, psychology, etc. Self study Psychology if you must- better yet, self study something you actually care about. Environmental Science maybe? Colleges can spot easy, throw away APs someone took "just because." Don't waste your time by taking something you don't even care about.

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