
I only have a day and a half in London. Advice on what to see?

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I'll be staying just half a day + one in London, staying at a B&B just near Piccadilly. Any advice on "must do" things? I don't need to see all the cheese tourist things. Much more interested in great pubs, museums and parks. Thanks. <3 S.




  1. If you want to do some great shopping then go to places like oxford street,covent garden, portabello road- Harrods and Liberty are cool.

    The Natural History and Science museum are great too, and the Victoria and Albert. If you are brave then go to the London Dungeons!

  2. just spend the day shoppin in oxford street!!!!!

  3. Oxford Street

    Regent Street

    Covent Garden

    Leicester Square

  4. Camden Market and the pubs round there are great. We stayed in a £300 a night hotel and it was ok then went to £45 a night in Camden and had the time of our lifes.

  5. The road to the north east

  6. Forget the usual tourist trips and instead take a walk down Piccadilly - the very heart of London.  In Germyn Street, which runs off St. James&#039;s Street and paralell with Piccadilly, you will find a statue of Beau Brummel.  

    Take a look at all the shops in and around Germyn Street.  You can also enter the Church which fronts onto Piccadilly.  This is where Wm. Blake used to go on a Sunday until he discovered an Evangelical Church in Soho.

    On the north side of Piccadilly you&#039;ll find the Royal Acadamy - take time to have a look around here.

    Please do not waste time going on a silly bus tour of London.  Take your time and enjoy Piccadilly, St. James, Buckingham Palace - changing the guard is at 11.30am sharp - be there at the railings by 11am or else you will see nothing much.

    All of what I&#039;m telling you about is within easy walking distance of your B&amp;B near Piccadilly.

    At the bottom end of St. James&#039;s Street you will find St. James&#039;s Palace, couple of guardsmen outside etc.

    If you walk along Pall Mall - the road running East from St. James&#039;s Palace, you will come to the Athenaeum - further on you&#039;ll find Trafalgar Square.  All in easy walking distance.

    Finally and this is the best bit, visit the Ritz Hotel.  You don&#039;t need to see Venice and die, just do the Ritz.

  7. *Sir John Soane&#039;s Museum in Lincoln&#039;s Inn Fields ( Central London ) is one of the wackiest museum in London.

    *Have a coffee outside in a terrace on Old Compton Street and watch London goes by.

    *Tate Modern on the bank side

    *St James Park

    *And take the bus

  8. the river trip from westminster pier to greenwich is an absolute must!

  9. you have to go to

    oxford street (the best shopping street in the world!)

    and convert garden (cuz its a nice place)

  10. Despite what most people say dont go to oxford street if you only have half a day because you will just see chain store after chain store. Explore outside the centre as well like Camden, Kensington etc... The temple is a pretty cool area where all the law chambers are. and yes covent garden is very nice

  11. china town or go oxford for shopping. theres a place in called trocadero where you can play arcades games, bowling etc.

  12. My favorite spots were the Tower, Westminster Abbey, and the British Museum. Just for the history alone.

  13. Take a journey on the No.9 and No 11 bus routes and you will pass most of the important attractions in London.

  14. buck in and pails the big Ben

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