
I only kinda like her, but I'm she messing with me again?

by  |  earlier

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If you have read any of my other questions about this girl, then you'd know who I'm talking about...for those who haven't this girl was my first and so far only girlfriend. We're 15. I was pretty deeply attracted to her, and she obviously knew this. After we broke up, I kept going back to her, only for her to dump me again. I mean, come on...she was my first kiss and everything. ='[ Anyway, I decided to cut of all contact with her abotu three monthst ago, but now she's come back to me. She sent me a Myspace friend request, which (after much debate) I accepted. But this time, she's gonna have to come back to ME. But I'm kinda's been so long since I held someone, hugged them, kissed them...I'm getting desperate...ugh. Should I give her another chance?




  1. i wouldnt..find someone else who will treat you better..there are tons of girls out there.

  2. nah find someone else or you'll just spend the rest of your life getting back with her then breaking up again

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