
I only started dance 3 years ago, how do I get as good as the people who have been doing it their whole life?

by  |  earlier

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im going into grade 8 and i started in grade 5, everybody else has been doing it their whole life, i want to be as good as them




  1. Train for multiple hours a day. Get your body in amazing shape so you have better control. Take at least once dance class every week though you should really take 2 or three.

    Learn multiple styles, jazz, ballet and modern or ballroom would really help.

  2. You just have to work hard, that's all.

    I started when I was 18 and ended up dancing semi-pro and in large city productions.

    I just worked very hard.

  3. I started breaking two years ago, when most of my peers had been doing it for more than five years.  Not only that, everyone had prior and differing dance experience, whereas up until I had decided to break, I considered myself stiff as a board and had no talent in dancing.  But when I saw my first session, I knew it was what I wanted to do.  In the last two years, I managed to catch up to all my friends, even surpass some of them.

    What did I do that was different than everyone?  I had determination.  I didn't give up, and practiced and trained hard everyday.  I didn't get lazy.  When people practiced three times a week, I practiced SIX times a week.  I put in more hours.  Sessions are usually 2 to 4 hours long.  I went and hour early and left an hour later, or found other sessions in the same day/night.  I learned from people who were BETTER than me.  Staying with people who are ALL on the same level means you improve slower.  I kept my mind focused on dancing whenever I could.  If I couldn't dance on some given day, then I'd be on the laptop watching clips or trying to think of sets while I'm laying in bed.  Physically, I pushed myself harder.  Everyone I knew already knew how to flare, so I told myself even though I couldn't make a full flare, I'd make 50 attempts every day, and once I learned how to flare, I told myself I'd shoot for TWO consecutive flares 50 times a day.

    I never had any teachers, never had anyone push me to practice or trained; this is very important!  I simply had a strong love and passion for this hobby, and I took it upon myself to strive for improvement, and it brought me to where I am today.  I've used this in MANY different things in my life; I like many sports, games, and hobbies, and being a newbie never slowed me down.  Don't let yourself be discouraged simply because someone had a head start over you.  Just look at some of our professional sports; in golf and tennis, we have kids coming out at the young age of 15 and playing pro against people who have played more than 3/4ths their lives!  Don't let age be a factor; in fact, use it as a source of motivation =]!

    Good luck, and keep your spirits up!

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