
I only want to show my top friends and hide the rest where can i found the code?

by Guest56305  |  earlier

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I only want to show my top friends and hide the rest where can i found the code?




  1. uhm there always hidden

    you pick who you want in your top

    and the rest aren't there??

  2. The only place you can use codes is on your blog.. and then it has to be html code..

    Your friends are always hidden.. the ones you see on your top page are placed there in order by time of their new alert .. if someone has a news Rss feed into his profile and that news is updated twice daily.. then that person will remain on your top page almost continuously.. but if they only update by posting a new blast or blog.. then it will only show those friends on your top page for how ever long it takes for the others to post things which are newer than theirs..

    We have no control over which of our friends are viewed on our top pages.. it is all controlled by the updates by our friends, not by any top friends or alphabetical order.. the ones who show up the most are the ones with a news feed that updates a lot.. like Yahoo news feeds.. they update each hour.. so that will get that person with that feed placed at the top of your top page friends images.. pretty crummy huh?

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