
I opened a chinease cookie, and it said this...?

by  |  earlier

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okay, i opened a chinease cookie and it said this:

"birds are entangled by their feet, and men by their tounges"

what does that mean? [10 pts. for best answer]




  1. It means, what we say can hurt ourselves or someone else.  We need to watch what we so, because once we say it we can't take it back.  Our words can get us in trouble.

  2. words can hold us back from the full reality of things, just like birds can fly but they are awkward on the ground....words aren't a complete expression of who we are

  3. Birds are not very good walkers and peoples' words can get them in trouble. Mine said "An alien will be visiting you shortly at night."

  4. Birds wish they didn't have feet and  Men want s*x all the time

  5. men can't say anything nice in front of ladies? men are stupid? i dont know

  6. It means that what people say can lead to problems. Things such as gossip and foul words are the weakest point of a person.

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