
I opened a dispute through paypal?

by  |  earlier

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After I bought something from someone on ecrater and they didn't send me it or reply to my emails. the dispute is open until 10th September but I was just wondering how I could escalate it to a claim through paypal if I dont hear anything before that date? how do I do that? last time I opened a dispute I didn't escalate to a claim and the dispute was closed and I got nothing back.




  1. You have to make the claim before the closing date.They should've sent you an email with a link to the dispute page,you do it there.

  2. You have to escalate the dispute to a claim within 20 days of lodging the dispute, otherwise it closes automatically (as you found before).

    You can do this at any time after you start the dispute, so you can do it now if you want but make sure you do it well before 10th September, because that's the closing date.

    It doesn't matter if you then come to an agreement with the seller, or if your item turns up because you can close the claim as resolved (or just ignore it and it will close automatically).  The main thing is to escalate your dispute before it's too late.

    Also, don't close the claim until you have either your refund or the item you bought, no matter what the seller might promise - check to see that the money actually is in your PayPal account before you close the claim (because, as you know, once closed it can't be re-opened).

    The PayPal site is being awkward at the moment so I can't give you a direct link to the page you need, but go here

    and this page explains what a dispute is - you'll also see another link to a 'step-by-step' guide.  This will give you all the info you need so if the 'guide' link doesn't work straight away, try again later.

  3. If you paid via credit card, dispute the charge with the credit card company. Paypal is really bad about the dispute process.

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