
I ordrered a 1yd of concrete for my driveway and had a guy finish it and it never hardened up in 4 days.why?

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I ordrered a 1yd of concrete for my driveway and had a guy finish it and it never hardened up in 4 days.why?




  1. weather WAS WAY to cold

  2. some of u people r so long of two things...the guy added water at the site or too much fly ash in the the concrete company and tell them to check their tickets and see how much was add, the water....over 5 gals will void the warranty......

    lic gen. contractor

  3. Its all about the mixture. There was probably way too much water in the mix. There is a proper way they are supposed to measure the amount of water that goes into the mix but sometimes some of the more experienced guys (my uncle) like to just "eye ball" it. That can lead to a runny mix that doesnt harden.

  4. What does it mean to "cure" concrete?

    Curing is one of the most important steps in concrete construction, because proper curing greatly increases concrete strength and durability. Concrete hardens as a result of hydration: the chemical reaction between cement and water. However, hydration occurs only if water is available and if the concrete's temperature stays within a suitable range. During the curing period-from five to seven days after placement for conventional concrete-the concrete surface needs to be kept moist to permit the hydration process. new concrete can be wet with soaking hoses, sprinklers or covered with wet burlap, or can be coated with commercially available curing compounds, which seal in moisture

    HOPE THIS HELPS>>> wait a couple more days, if it still doesn't harden, call your concrete company....  GL

  5. As the curing process is a chemical reaction between the Portland Cement and the water, it doesn't matter how much or how little water was used (although it does make a difference in the final strength of the concrete). It sounds like you got a bad batch, maybe not enough cement in the mix, or maybe, as another answer stated, it had spent too much time in the drum.

    Too much air entrainment might also be the problem; this can be caused by a few different factors, including too many turns of the drum, or a mistake at the batch-plant.

    Call the guy who finished it for you, and have him take a look at it – OR – Call the place you ordered it from and have them send out a field rep or engineer.  It’s better to have one good, experienced guy actually LOOK at it, than to have all of us guessing on the internet.

    Sometimes, REAL people can give you the best answers!

  6. go back to the people that supplied the conc. Obviously some thing wrong with the mix.  Or did you mix it your self?

    Did you add cement?

  7. Sounds like you got a bad mix, with too little concrete in with the sand and stones.  The worker that done the finish work had nothing to do with the poor mixture.  Call the supplier and ask for an examination of the product.

  8. Sounds to me like you got a bad mix...........also I've had mud that has been on another job for 3 or 4 hours and sent to me and all the activsion has all ready taken place........and it does not set up right...........sooooo........good luck........sure you don't want to do it again........sounds like about 10x10 slab.......if it sweeps of the top or acts weak.......think I would complain......also were I live they like to put hamburger helper in it..........instead of cement.........and that sometimes causes problems..........the sqreak-ee wheel gets the squeak........nite

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