
I over drew my my bank account is there a way to get some of the fees waved?

by Guest66819  |  earlier

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I got charged $200 in fees when i only over drew $50. My bank is Bank of america. Is there anything i can do??




  1. Good luck with that!!! I have been with National City for years now, and any time I overdraft my account, they charge me $36 for each charge. One time, I had an overcharge of $.01, and they still charged the $36 overdraft fee. It's ridiculous!!! So you can imagine that I have searched for banks that waive overdraft fees, and there are none.

    The best thing you can do is ask about a credit line on your checking account, if the bank has one. Usually they call it overdraft protection, and any time you charge something to your account over the actual amount you have in there, they will transfer what is needed to cover the amount, and charge a minimal service fee, like $10 for every $50, or something like that. Most banks have something similar, so it's worth a look-see. Again, good luck!

  2. You can call their customer service number,(not the branch), tell them you want to see if they can help you with a courtesy refund. Most large banks will help you with fees if you have been with the bank a while, have other accounts, don't ask for alot of fee refunds or,as bad as it sounds, if you pay alot of fees. if customer service won't help, ask for Early Overdraft Resolution Department. They try to settle overdrafts without closing them and sending them to recovery. Alot of times, if you will set up payment arrangements to settle the overdraft they will waive some of the fees for you. Just be prepared to have the rep go through how you got the fees before helping with a refund. Banks are all about "educating the customer." Hope this helps.

  3. $200 sounds like a lot to be charged, i would call BOA and ask why the charge is so high..usually its $35.00 and i've had it waived on more than one occassion..if the first person u speak to wont do it, call back and try someone else..that helps someties...not sure if you have a savings account but if you do you can ask them to link the two accounts and get overdraft protection so you dont have the fees...thats what they tell me..but i dont have a savings...good luck

  4. If this is a "first offense" then sometimes the bank will wave fees associated with the over-draft if you ask.

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