
I over heard one of the trainers say that she will be starting to do only clinic.?

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What is clinic? I know I can ask the stables but I didn't want to wait another week to know.




  1. A clinic is a lesson or short series of lessons covering specific topics or techniques.

  2. Clinic is basically where a coach will travel to a yard or stable and coach for the whole day or weekend or even week. They will break their day into session times, usually 2 hours and you will be given a spot in a session. There usually isn't any more than 3 or 4 in a session so it is semi-private.

    These are a great way to get coaching from somebody out of the area or who would usually charge WAY too much.

    I read a post about Karen O'Conner. There is no way the average person could afford to have a lesson from Karen O'Conner, but if she is teaching a class with 4 people in it she is getting paid enough and you get a lesson for a quater the price!!

  3. This means that she will be doing lessons  for people to sign up for that want to work on something specific. usually 2 hour lesson with no more then 4 riders in the group. This is common with really advanced riders that offer a chance for local riders to have a lesson with them. Example Karen O'Connor comes to a local farm a couple of times a year and we can go ride with her.

  4. sometimes a clinic is a horse workshop or it could be a vet clinic but i think its a workshop

  5. a clinic is a group thing. no, one on one training like a private class, more rider for the same time, mean more money for the same time.

  6. A clinic is just a class or single lesson and is a bit more intensive than a normal lesson.  She might specialise in a specific area, ie dressage, fitness, lunging, etc.

  7. A clinic is like a class where you can have more than one student.  Usually you can bring your horse.

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