
I over-washed my face and now

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I have a weird looking pimple. It's big, flat, and red with pores surrounding the pimple. I tried icing it to reduce the look and size of the pimple, but it didn't work! Does anybody know what I'm talking about and how to get rid of it?

Thanks :D




  1. Overwashing the face caused the skin to produce excess oil to try and make up for the loss of essential moisture of the face. Hence the zit.

    I know that technically you're not meant to squeeze and so on, but it seems to me that if you don't squeeze it, it would take a LONG LONG time to go away.

    Dont apply toothpaste to it. Doesnt work. Nothing really works for me, but there have worked for other people:

    1) Dabbing lemon juice onto the pimple

    2) dab tea tree oil onto the pimple

    3) put an aspirin tablet on a plate, add a few drops of water, wait a while, then crumble it in a paste. Apply to pimple.

    4) Add a drop of Visine to the pimple to reduce the redness

    5) Get a slice of potato, tape it over the pimple. Leave it on overnight. It really takes out the redness. I've tried it.

    Try those. If they don't help, then, well, just squeeze the gunk out.

  2. no u cant get pimple by over washing ur face. well i have been saying people with skin problems to drink a lot of waters n same to u. drink a lot of water. it really works

  3. I've heard of mixing Rubbing alcohol - the green kind, with a crushed aspirin  & dabbing it on there. Also toothpaste or any kind of cream / ointments with bensocaine, or lidocaine will help the pain. to get rid of it, use mary kay acne treatment cream & use their #3 skin care for oily & acne skin.  

  4. It's irrititated. try some neosporin on it.

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