
I owe AT&T some money that I am not in the position to pay right now. Can they put a lean on my posessions?

by  |  earlier

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The only thing I own is my car.




  1. Depends on how much it is. Try to make a deal though and a payment arrangement. Keep talking to them and tell them they will receive the money. It's more expensive for them to give it to a collector.

  2. They won't bother putting a lien on your possessions but they will put black marks on your credit report, and cut off your phone.

    Better make some kind of payment arrangements with them...

  3. Not unless they took you to court and won a judgement.  With the judgement they can get a lien.

  4. NO, but they can turn your phone off!

  5. i know someone who had this with att and all they did was send collection  bills and it was like $800

  6. You're not worth their time. They'll just send your debt to a collection agency and let them call you day and night while your credit score is being ruined.  

  7. Call and make a payment arrangement.  Make sure you get the operator's name, call center location, department you called and emplyoee ID number so you know exactly what is being documented on your account.

    Stick to your agreement and make sure you call AT&T to let them know if you change anything... always take names and locations just in case you need to file a complaint.

    Unfortunately you are at the mercy of the operator who answers your call.   They have the power to negotiate the terms of your payment plan as long as it is within the collect guidelines.  So don't be abusive but be honest abuot your situation and keep to your promises.

    No you cannot put a lein on possessions.   AT&T wants your money and that's it.  They'd rather work with you because if it goes to a collection agency AT&T will only get a small percentage of the actual debt.  It's still a loss for them.

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