
I owe a debt of my celly and I got a letter from a lawfirm collecting the debt. Should I give them the money?

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Is this legal? How do I show my cell phone provider that I actually paid this debt through an unknown law firm?




  1. uknown law firm? how's that? in anycase i hope you were wise enough to keep a copy of the payment to them and/or the acknowedement from the 'uknown' firm that you did...if not you're toast and you gotta pay.

  2. Well if you owe the money and the law firm is asking for the correct amount, then it's pretty likely they're genuine. You could always phone your cell phone provider and ask them if the letter is genuine, or phone the law firm itself.

    If you owe them the money, then try and clear the debt as soon as you can because the problem will only get bigger or come back to haunt you if you leave it.

  3. Actuallythe debt is not your cell phone providersanymore,

    they sold it to this collection agency for pennies on the dollar

    It is legal, but they will probably want the full amount.

    But you can call and offerthem 50%. Tell them theres no

    income, nojob and theyll work with you, but remember when

    the agreement is made make it payment to delete from

    credit record. Because some are real sneaky and if youre

    making payments or you stop for some reason, youll tell them

    hey I already paid you, thell want all of it to take off from

    credit record.

  4. Pay the cell phone provider...duh?

  5. if you care about your credit, HACK YES. I doubt they'd try to sue you unless its mega cash you owe. I know I had a cell phone bill for about $500, back when I could care less about credit. I never paid them and my credit score now is about 720, that was a very long time ago though, if I was you I would pay it.

  6. It sounds like your account has been transfered to collections.

    Your cellphone company likely has been trying to collect your money for six or so months. (Usually, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter.) Because the bill has not been paid, the cell phone company called up their lawyers and gave them your account information. The law firm will send you a lot of letters and probably call you. The letters will say something along the lines of, "If you do not pay such-and-such amount or work a payment plan with us, we will sue you for the money owed plus interest, late fees, and attorney fees."

    This is legal. It's the same as if your ex-best-friend owed you money and you went to a lawyer and asked the lawyer to help you collect the money. If you are unsure or if you think it's a scam, you can contact the cellphone company. The cellphone company will probably tell something like, "This account has been transferred to collections and you will have to contact the law firm directly."

    Yes, you should repay the money. The longer this debt is open, the worse it will become. Lots and lots of fees will add up -- attorney fees, late fees, interest, court fees. Also, if you just recently received this letter and it's the only one you have received, it will probably not be reported on your credit report if you pay it off ASAP. The longer you wait, the less forgiving they will become. And if they do call you, don't be rude and snotty with them. This will make them less willing to work with you to figure out a payment plan, etc. As far the cellphone company knowing you paid, the lawfirm will mark your account as being in good standing so the cellphone company will know.

    It is also possible that your cellphone company sold your account to a debt collection agency. Typically, though, you won't be contacted by a law firm. You would be contacted by some company with a name like "ANI Credit" or something fairly generic like that. The people from those companies who call you are not usually lawyers. They are usually people who work in a calling center and are usually REALLY MOTIVATED to get your money.

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