
I owe rearages my kids stepfather wants to adopt them, when its final will I still owe my chidsupport rearages

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I owe child support rearages, and my kids step father wants to adopt them. Once the adoption is final, do I still have to pay those rearages.




  1. Yes, you'll still owe the part that's past due.


  2. Yes.  Because the state had to pay out everything you didn't pay. So technically you would be paying back the state the money you owe them.  You may be able to get it reduced a little bit if you go in and talk to them and work out a payment plan.

  3. This just breaks my heart! I wonder if their mother can just get off the hook for the lack of providing for her children.....  

    Frankly, I would think any REAL man would want to support his children No Matter what the Law said--and I find it so sad that a father would Sell his Children over Basic Support....

    If you can live with yourself for letting some other man adopt your children just because you don't want to pay to support them.... Yes, I am sure you will be off the hook and free to go about life with not a care in the world....

  4. The effective date of the adoption will or should stop your responsibility toward your children, but prior to that effective date is monies owed if legally instructed through the court system or your divorce agreement. Being late on payments for that period of time continues to be your responsibility.  Although if you get a legal notorized agreement between you and your x-wife and the step-father that states that they agree that you are no longer responsible for prior payments due to agreeing to the adoption, then you would not have to pay past monies due. Think hard about giving up your right to your children.

  5. its different in every state.. my husband is adopting my 8 year old son and my ex owes back child support. the judge has told us that yes he will still owe that money... and in some cases if the judge feels that the child will still need the financial support of the bio parent then the judge can order that child support still be paid for a specific amount of time like.... alimony...

  6. But the money is owed from a time before you signed over your rights.  That said, I know that my Mother used the money that my Dad owed to get him to sign off.  As a child you NEVER get over that.  I'm in my 40's and I never have.

  7. In Missouri, I had to forgive back child support for my daughter's court order to go through.

    Important point of law! The birth certificate will be altered like you never existed.

    On another subject, how can you live with yourself?

  8. Legally you will still owe the back support. But you might be able to get out of it or get it reduced by talking with your ex....but...if its ordered thru the court and she ever received food stamps or any form of welfare then they will make that back support go towards that bill.

  9. Even if you let your child's step father adopt them you will STILL owe arrears. It's the law. The law is specifically in place to PREVENT the very scenario you are describing.

    Giving up parental rights to your children so you do no have to pay.

    Have you really thought this through? You will FOREVER be giving up the right to see your children. When your parental rights are severed you will have no say in their lives. You will have no more rights to your children then any stranger walking down the street.  And imagine how they will feel knowing their father traded them in so he didn't have to pay support.

    Shame shame on your name!!!

  10. Make sure that it is specifically addressed in court.  In most cases, the mom has to waive them.  However, if the monies owed are to social services then you absolutely have to have a judge waive them or you are stuck for them.  Given that you are giving up your parental rights, you shouldn't be stuck for the money either.

  11. some dude wants to take your kids, and you're on here asking about the finances of it???

  12. Your giving up the rights to your kids ? You'd have to ask a lawyer about money already owed  but after they are adopted you'll no longer need to pay child support.

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