
I owed the government money because they overpaid my pension, and I paid it back, but they say I didn't?

by  |  earlier

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I receive pension money each month that I am in school because my dad died, and this year I only took one semester of college instead of two and they ended up paying me for two months that they shouldn't have. I got a letter in the mail in may saying I owed them a certain amount of money back and I IMMEDIATLY paid it back by sending a cheque in the mail with the envelope they gave me (so i obviously didn't get the address wrong). With my bank, when you write a cheque as soon as it is cashed they send it back to you for your records, so I got my cheque back a little while later from my bank and on the back it had the reciever general of canada stamp and all of my account numbers and everything which meant they recieved it so I thought all was fine. Now last month I got a letter saying that I hadn't paid it! I called the number it told me to call and told them I HAD paid it and I had the cheque as proof so they told me they would fix it and to not worry about it, but today I got ANOTHER letter in the mail saying I had to pay it back! WTF am I supposed to do? I paid it!!!! I have all of the account numbers and payment numbers as proof, but they still think I didn't! What can I do? The money was taken out of my account by them so somebody obviously has it.




  1. I agree with the answer above...#1.  And yes there are register letters in Canada so do that.

  2. hello - call and speak with someone live - whan you get them on the phone ask them if they have a few minutes as this may take a little while.  this will allow them to either pass you to someone else, or prepare them for a longer than usual call.  Then explain the whole situation to them, with dates as much as possible (I would write it all out prior to calling) and at the end ask them where you can:

    fax a copy of the check to

    mail a copy of the check to

    email a pdf copy of the check to - (I would try to do all three of these, but at a minimum 2 of them)

    Ask them to whose attention it should be sent - and then follow those directions with a  letter saying you spoke with Mr/Ms XX on X date and this was the direction they gave.  the snail mail I would send receipt requested if possible.

    good luck -  

  3. Make a copy of both sides of the cheque, don't send them the original, and put it in the envelope they provided.  Add a letter stating that this is proof that the money has been paid back. Add your exact name, address, those numbers you mentioned above so there is no questions it is you.   Tell them you will contact a lawyer if they harass you again about this situation.  

  4. you will need to find out who deposited the cheque and once you find out you can either prove you paid it or find out if some one else has your money.    I have heard of people stealing cheques from the mail  !!! and then washing it and replacing it with their own name.   So find out who deposited the cheque your bank should help you do that.  

  5. Send them a copy of the check with a letter explaining every thing. Not sure how the postal system works in Canada, but in the US we have registered mail where receiver must sing for it and that is how I would send it so you have some proof of delivery! Good Luck!!

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