
I own a 2006 pontiac grand prix and it was my first new car reliable and gets 30mpg hwy why is resale low?

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Resale value is horrible but its been a great car just would like to know why good gas milage and reliability




  1. I've owned several GM cars including the pontiac, Low resale is due to the high number of cars produced and lousy reliability. Good luck getting even five years out of the car. Even if the drive-train lives that long everything else falls apart.

  2. I think it has been replaced by the g8, so that might have something to do with it.

  3. the above poster is an idiot...... which is why resale value is low because of idiots perceived value and reliability of GM cars

    MY GM car, a 1981 Oldsmobile Delta 88, built supposedly at the time their cars were the worst... I had it for 5 years, **NEVER** broke down on me, I get 22 MPG highway..... from a 28 year old 5.0 V8!!!

    Oh and by the way... where are all the 1981 TOYOTAS and HONDAS?? Oh they've all been junked... I wonder why??? But they're soooo superior and have high resale value!!!!!!!

  4. pontiacs never hold resale they have a higher drop rate than other cars also could have to do with mileage and upkeep  

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