
I own a convienience store and need to obtain a grocery listing?

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needed is all current items that i should stock and or suggested brands for Goldcoast QLD

It is too labour intensive to do this manually.

we are not part of a chain such as 7 eleven therefore we dont get this type of assistance.




  1. You should stock like: Basic daily needed, milk, milk powder, sugar, Tylonol, emergency medecine, bandage, stomach, tooth ace, eye, and all the emergency items in every area; Food, grocery, medecine, ciggaretts, chips, chocloate, Ice-cream. pop, water, package vegetables, food, milk, and other food where you can keep longer, floor, shampoo, women (pads) fruits, bus tickets ( all ages), Lottos, ( machine) News-papers, magazines, rice, pasta, bread, buns, meat, chicken fish, bananas, House-ware, can food all kinds, What ever daily ,food, can keep longer you know and what people are need most an emergency and stock. Food, medecine, bus- tickets, Stamps, envelopes, You can figure out what most people use alot and start bying the stuff and stock. For a change have a look another Grocery Store. You got to be smart and methodically. I wish you  the best for your success.

  2. "..determine the kinds of products that you will sell. You want to sell basic goods that everyone uses. Things like staples – milk, bread, some medications – are always going to be necessary for people. If you’re in a large tourist area, you might also want to provide maps and small souvenirs. A large variety of beverages and snack foods will also be helpful, as well as hot coffee and tea.

    You will also want to carry items that people might need at the last minute. Things like ice and cold cases of beverages come in handy when someone is having a last minute gathering. You might also want to carry things for automobile repair – oil and fuses, for example. Windshield wiper fluid and scrapers are also good items for colder climates. Batteries and camera film are also good items to carry. "

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