
I own a web site, I just need to upload some MP3 files to the site. How to upload the files? Thanks, Arun?

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I created web site in, which gives free web sites. I download FileZilla, it asks for host name and port number. i don't know how to fill those. I gave user name and password given by the Any one help me out. Thanks, Arun




  1. Use a free FTP client like FileZilla ( and upload your files.  Type the login name and password given by your web hosting service in the Username and Password fields respectively.

  2. I assume that you a web hosting account with a hosting company. Usually when you have a web hosting, the hosting company provide 2 ways to upload the file to your web.

    First, you can upload file by login to your account in the hosting company web.

    Second, upload by FTP. The hosting company gives you a username and password for FTP access. Sometimes you can create your own FTP account.

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