I purchased a Jimmy Choo handbag on eBay for $900 only to find out it was fake. It's ILLEGAL to sell counterfeit/replicas, and needless to say, not allowed on eBay. Ebay has a team that identifies these and removes the auctions, but the auction i won was one of the few that got by undetected.
The seller ADMITS that its a fake, but claims that it was not TECHNICALLY advertised as authentic, therefore she does not grant the refund. Even though the auction never explicitly claimed the bag was authentic, it was extremely misleading and had false information like "Made in Italy" (when the fakes are manufactured in Taiwan) and "retails for $1600!"
I filed a claim with Paypal to get my money back and even though the seller admits its a fake, I need to fax paypal PROOF from an "unbiased and relevant 3rd-party" on company letter-head verifying that it's fake and why. It needs to be faxed to paypal with my case # by Monday or else I lose my money.
I called emailed and called Jimmy Choo customer service and was told that its against their company policy to provide such a service because it apparently "promotes the purchase of counterfeits". None of the associates at one of their boutiques would help me, and the manager of the handbag department at a Nordstroms didn't have access to company letter head to help me...
What do i do!?!? Can anyone help me?!?