
I passed my Us Citizenship test on engilsh and civics, Can I they still deined my application?

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I passed the test but they didn't give me a final answer, they told me if they needed to review my case more and if they needed any paper work they will let me know by mail. So I am kinda of confused I know I passed the test they told me, But i know someone who passed it and was deined still, can that happen to me?? Hellpp




  1. Yes, but its not likely as long as you did not break any major laws between the test and the oath.  My husband got a speeding ticket between times and still was able to get it.  I guess just not a felony.  As long as you passed the test you should be good because they do FBI checks on you and know when you lie.  My friends dad lied about being arrested before the test and when he showed up to take it he passed but at the end they told him he failed because he did lie.  My point is you should be fine because they know if they want you at your testing.

  2. You can be denied until you take the Oath of Citizenship.

    On the other hand I have to disagree with the other poster before me: you CANNOT be denied for citizenship just because you do not work, or cannot work, or have no job skills. That is completely irrelevant to the process of naturalization.

    Other irrelevant things that person mentioned include performing charitable services, serving in the Armed Forces, conforming to US society, paying your bills (other than taxes).  

  3. Absolutely yes.  

    Did you bring diseases with you like tuberculosis? Flesh eating bacteria?  Malaria?  

    Are you proficient in english?  Do you have a job skill that is actually in demand here?  

    Do you have a criminal record here? How about in your country?  Have you ever been busted for smuggling drugs or people into our country?  

    Have you been caught with fake green cards?  Stolen ID's?

    Any of these things will keep you out.


    On the other side - have you paid all your bills here?  

    Have you went through great effort to conform to OUR society?  

    Have you underwent job training to as to not live off welfare, and be an contribution to society instead?  

    Have you performed charitable services?  

    Have you taken your turn serving in our armed services?  

    Are you disease free - including tuberculosis?  

    Have you bothered to take more than the absolute minimum amount of history/civic classes required?  

    These things get you in with welcoming arms from the government and the populace....


    Writer of question:   Your command of the English language is poor.  You obviously are illiterate in the written language.  Your reading skills are poor as demonstrated by your reply towards my message.....

    Examples of illiteracy in the English language:





    Do YOU have any reason why WE would want you as a fellow countryman other than you want it to be so?

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