
I passed my drivers test twice. The way i messed on both tries are my parallel parking. How to fix that part.?

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Do you think i sahould practice parallel parking more that my driving becasue im a really good driver i thinks it's just the parallel parking that trys me off and also my nerves.

Whats the best way to keep my nerves settled and calm.

And also whats the best technique inorder to pass the test.




  1. Just practice parking with some cones.  its really easy, just remember the steps.

    its funny, because i have been driving for about 10 years and i think i have actually parallel parked like 3 times

  2. The most important thing to know when parallel parking is if the space is big enough...It should be at least 1.5 times the length of your vehicle...The next key part is the start...Pull up parallel to the vehicle in front of where you want to park, about 2 feet away from it...Always make sure that these two points are good and the parking is a lot easier...It will take some practice, so don't be flustered if you don't get it right first time out of the box...It is a maneuver of coordination - just go over it a few times...You'll get the hang of it.

  3. Step 1:

    Use your turn signal to indicate the direction of the parking spot.

    Step 2:

    If the space is not yet vacant but the car in it is about to leave, wait behind the spot.

    Step 3:

    When the space is vacant, pull ahead of it until you have pulled up beside the car parked in front of the space. Your rear bumper should be even with that car's rear bumper with about 2 feet of road between you.

    Step 4:

    Put the car in reverse. Begin to back up slowly; as soon as the car starts moving, turn the wheel as far as it will go toward the curb.

    Step 5:

    Back slowly into the space.

    Step 6:

    When the back of your car's front door is even with the rear bumper of the car beside you, begin turning the wheel away from the curb.

    Step 7:

    Continue turning the wheel away from the curb and backing slowly into the space.

    Step 8:

    Straighten out the wheel, then pull forward or back in the space as needed to center yourself between the cars in front of and behind you. Your car should be 6 to 8 inches from the curb when you are parked.

  4. learn how to parallel park

  5. You will have to practice that parallel parking.  People stress too much about this part as most don't really parallel park on a daily basis.  I just taught my little brother and he got it the first time.  I'll try to explain:

    Line up with the orange cone or imaginary car, front wheel to front wheel.  As you reverse slowly, turn your steering wheel all the way so that your car is sort of in a backed up position like this   /

    Once you are like that, keep backing up a bit and then go to Drive.  Turn your steering wheel the exact opposite to straighten up like this ---.  Then just go back once more and forth once more to straighten up.

    The way I learned was to read about parallel parking so that I could get the words understood and I passed the first time.

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