
I passed my driving - woooooooohooooooooooo?

by  |  earlier

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I know its not a question, but i just wanted everyone to know.

it was my second attempt

i never thought i could drive. but now i done it.

and i thought i was going to fail it, as the weather in uk is pretty bad.

it was raining really bad/thundery shower and very windy outside.

plus my reverse around the corner was pretty bad - although i did straighten the wheel without hitting anything.

phew - thats my head stone lighter.

am so happy.




  1. Well done

  2. Good for you!

  3. Thanks for the two points.  Be careful out there.

  4. well done, u did a great job i know the feeling.

  5. welcome to the world of drivers!!! lol congrats

  6. Hey, I also took my road test when it was thundering!

    Congratulations and drive safely!!!

    And I also screwed up my road test, but passed the 1st time with 30 points off (which is the most you're allowed to get off before you fail)

  7. Congrats.........................From what I've seen and heard UK driving test are much harder than those in the US.  Congrats again

  8. Well done - it's a great feeling isn't it :D

    I know learning to drive is expensive and you've probably paid out a lot of money already, but I always recommend that people take a motorway driving lesson. Because you can't drive on motorways while you're a learner, the subject can't be covered before you pass and driving on a motorway is very different to driving on other roads - different signs, road conditions and much faster speeds.

    Or consider doing Pass Plus - you may be able to get cheaper insurance on completion.

    OK, sermon over now :)

    Enjoy your driving ;)

  9. Congratulations!  Best of luck and drive safely!

  10. congratulations!

  11. Yay! Good for you! You passed! Pop some champage!


  13. Congrats!!  Drive safely!

  14. Well done, you passed the test, now you have to learn to drive properly...I mean defencive driving.You learn all the time.Because you don't have L plates, the rest of us will probably cut you up like crazy, like you have been driving for years!

    safe driving!


  16. d**n - not another female driver!!

  17. dont run me over

  18. Well done. Man I'm jealous because I still have a few years to go yet before I can learn.  

  19. First rules:

    don't drink and drive

    never DUI

  20. Well done............ Can I have a lift ?? xx

  21. well done you, just take care out there, its a mad place, treat all other drivers as if they are crazy, never drink and drive, don't speed there are to many cameras about, if your friends tell you to go faster dont. safe motoring x    

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