
I passed my test 6 months ago, i need to use motorway 4 first time and its about 300 miles. and im scared?

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I passed my test 6 months ago, i need to use motorway 4 first time and its about 300 miles. and im scared?




  1. 1. relax.

    2. breathe slowly.

    3. drive in the right hand lane.

    4. drive 3 to 4 under the speed.

  2. you will be ok, just stay in the left hand lane and stop at a service station, when you need to stop.

    take care

  3. Ok first you have to think long and hard about what you are scared of. Me, for example have been driving since i was 17 and im 33 now, i still dont like motorways. i am scared of lorries, and definately motorbikes as lorries are heavy and bikes come out of nowhere. i also have a fear of any other vehicles that has wheels on it!. i am also scared of gravity. i dont like heights either. Wasps scare me too. so do ants and small flies. I am scared of cheese.

    Be cool and stay lucky, dont be scared of the motorway you will be fine, come on look at the problems i have.!!

  4. Try and have somone with you when you do it. If you cant then try and drive a few miles on the motorway a couple of days before with someone by your side.

    Take care

  5. if you have the time try to get an hour or so driveing instruction on the entry and exit from motorways the main part is entry onto motorway on the slip road pick your speed uyp to 60 /65 mph and slide into traffic pretend it is a dual carriage way until you get used to the speed and use your mirrors

  6. have fun

  7. Not many people like motorways, but don't be scared by them, just keep your wits about you, and be confident, stay calm, and in no time you'll wonder how you managed without them....good luck...

  8. The force is strong in you, young skywalker! You'll be grand, unless you're a girl, in which case, take the train!

  9. it is a bit daunting the first time you use the motorway so my advice is to get your old instructors phone no out again and explain your worries ,he will probably advise you to take a lesson with him just so you will feel confident to do it on your own , failing that if you decide to go it alone i would suggest finding a quiet morning/evening and take it in short bursts i.e. going on one entrance ,and coming off at the next exit. just remember to take regular breaks when you are driving on a long journey as this is very important for saftey.

  10. I know exactly how you feel.

    I was living in Germany and the first time I had to drive out there was to pick up a brand new car. I had to drive 276 miles on the autobahn.

    I took a friend with me. It helped calm me a little. Is it possible for you to take someone with you? See if you can find someone to share the driving.

    Try and go on a motorway for a short distance before you have to go all that way.

    Have a safe journey.

  11. It's not a problem. Call your instructor and book a motorway lesson.

    The rules are the same, observation, good signalling and manoeuvring.

    EDIT: Sitting in the middle lane is bad practise. If you want to invite aggression from impatient drivers, this is the best way to invite it!

  12. I'm afraid to say if this is the case take an experienced driver with you to guide you if not have extra training with your old driving school. Its not you you have to worry about its all the other falls who don't care if you passed your test 2 weeks or 20 years ago. Going on the motorway as you are without a form of supervision will be a danger to you and other road users. Sorry to be blunt but that's the truth.

  13. Just do what i do and close your

  14. Stay in the middle lane, this means that you are in the best position if you need to bear left or right.

    Also keep an eye on the overhead signs to tell you if you are on the right tracks.

    The AA website has a route planner.

  15. Dont worry hun I drove on the motorway a week after passing, you are 'meant' to stay as far left as you can but I tend to stay in the middle lane and adjust my speed accordingly as some times the left hand land will turn into a slip road and if you arent careful you end up coming off the motorway.

    Which one are you going on?

  16. move with the flow and  you will be fine watch your mirrors and use your signals... turn on the radio get a bag of chips or something and a soft drink and have fun..... thats a walk in the park you will be fine

  17. your'll be ok, just dont sit in the middle lane all the way, if u do u will annoy alot of people

  18. Take a 'Pass Plus' course with your Driving Instructor - it will help you a lot!

    I remember, when I passed, I drove all of 200 miles down to London, and totally got lost....

    Motorway driving is generally quite easy, and enjoyable, but you have to be alert at all times.

  19. Oh heck, don't listen to these middle lane plonkers...

    Join the motorway whilst building up speed on the slip road. Once on are on the furthest left lane, stay there until you need to overtake a lorry. When you do, just look, indicate and pull into the middle lane and stay at the same speed (unless you need to slow down). Then once your passed, pull back into the left lane. You shouldn't need to go into the 3rd or 4th lanes unless you are confident enough... But seriously, I have only had my liscence a while and once you are on the motorway for a few miles you will be thinking what all the fuss was about.

    The worst thing about the motorway is not the speed, it is that people get silly and/or bored. So take a stop every hour and put some good tunes on the radio and you'll be there before you know it.

  20. Mate, driving on the motorway is easy if you use common sense. Stay in the left hand lane at a speed of 60 - 70mph, remember to keep a large gap between you and the car in front ( more of a gap if there's a lorry ) and make sure you look out for the slip roads very early because there will be traffic wanting to join the carriageway. When you see the slip roads coming up make sure there's no traffic in the middle lane indicate in plenty of time and move in. For god sake do not stay in the middle lane tho. As soon as the traffic has merged, move back into the left hand lane. All you'll do by staying in the middle lane is you'll pis of a load of truck drivers and me. lol.

    You'll be just fine. Don't worry.

  21. Don't worry - motorway driving isn't that much different to driving on an A road, just more lanes. Don't sit in the middle lane - that's really bad practice. You should stay left unless you have to overtake stuff. Especially if you're nervous, it's probably best to stay left - further away from the BMWs belting down the outside lane at 90mph! Keep an eye on the signs to make sure you know where you're going and you'll be fine.

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