
I passed out flyers a few days ago, but nobody is calling, why?

by  |  earlier

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So i passed flyers out a few days ago for my dog walking business and nobody is calling. I jus want it to be in my neighborhood so i dont want to hang it in stores!




  1. Takes a while to get attention, I would recommend trying other forms of advertising as well. You know the saying it takes more then once to get peoples attention. Remember you need a target audience. Some people work at home these days and some are looking for jobs so you are going to have to filter it out and find the people you are looking for. Have a local dog walk (I live in an area with a dog walk so it makes it easy). Post it there.

  2. It is either lack of need or your flyer copy.

  3. I agree with landlord... either lack of need or flyer copy.

    I will add to that though...

    You need to be living in a neighborhood that has the money  to actually pay for a dog walker.

    On your flyer copy, I would make sure you have the benefits for the dog - health wise.

    Also, offer some sort of deal.  Like... purchase one month at a time and get 25% off.  Buy the 3 month program, and get two weeks for free... something like that.

    You might want to put up a flyer in a local grocery store.  Afterall, where do the people in your neighborhood do their grocery shopping?  Also, ask the vet in town if you can leave flyers there as well.  You can put on your flyer what your "areas" are.  Heck, you can even put on there that you are willing to work outside of your area for an additional charge.

    Make sure your the actual copy is good too.  If you don't want to pay for colored printing, at least splurge for the colored paper.  It will attract more attention.  And make sure there is a photo on there - like one with you hugging a dog and the dog loving it!  (Like it's l*****g your face.  You can put a little peanut butter on your face to get the dog to "kiss" you!  Make sure you smile.)

    Good luck, and I hope it works out for you!

    By the way, you might want to check out for some cheap marketing material.  You can leave the business cards or flyers on people's doors.

  4. All advertising is a numbers game.  To better the odds you have to place that advertising in the right hands.  People who are interested in other people to walk their dogs are usually too busy to do it themselves.  Look for professional people who work long hours and advertise accordingly.  If your neighborhood does not have a lot of people that fit in this category you may have to advertise in a community newspaper in your area.  If that doesn't work then you have to get in a newspaper that reaches further.  Expect that you may have to expand your territory where you will accept customers.

  5. Possible reasons:

    1. Flyer copy

    2. The people you targeted aren't potential customers

    3. Lack of a compelling offer (offer something good inthe flyer like free bonuses or a discount)

    Flyers have less than 0.5% success. So for every 200, you should get one call or less.

    Try internet flyers instead:

  6. Try hanging your fliers on posts in your neighborhood, and hang them up in local dog parks. Leave fliers on your neighbor's mail, or doorsteps. If they aren't interested in the business, they may give the flier to a near-by friend. Also try  finding places with elderly. They may have exercised and walked their pooch at first, but  (no offense) they might be a little to old to continue to do so. Also let your friends know your available. If they also have a dog walking business, and can't take a job. They will let them know your available.  Also you can walk their dogs.  Make sure you fliers POP. They also want information for example, the cost is usually $3-$5. Let them know the shortest to the longest walks they can have you do. Here is the perfect flier:




    $3 a small dog for 15 minutes

    $4 a medium dog for 20 minutes

    $5 a large dog for 25 minutes

    Call (000) 000-0000

        Adjust this flier right here to make it in to your own fitting and liking.

    Use bright colors to get more attention to it, and make sure to include dog animations!

    Include the fact that if dogs that do not get the right time of exercise they can become unhealthy and grumpy. But if you have me walk your dog then your dog will become or stay healthy and friendly.

    Why no one is calling:

    Maybe your prices were to high?

    Maybe they do not trust you with their dog?

    Maybe they did not need the service right away?

    Maybe they felt better with leaving their dog with someone more experienced?

    Maybe they are looking for a business to watch and feed their dog over vacation.

    When you become more experienced with dogs, and walking, you can expand your business to a dog sit/ walk business.

  7. 1.i believe there must be lack of info.The flyers are dull i mean is not attractive to look at. no impact. You can use big font to emphasize wat u r selling,the price or watsoever discount or gift they will get when they approach your business.Not just image n font,the paper itself the printed it is colored or not colored. put some color to it so dat people will tend to look at the flyers n read the info dat you want from your potential customer. if your flyers doesn't have one of the criteria above,your flyers will be in their dustbin after they received it e.g like a piece of unuseful paper.

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