
I pay for mostly everything, we never had joint credit cards or accounts. Just a house am I liable for her deb

by Guest21143  |  earlier

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I pay for everything except, electric, food, and some hosehold items. I purchase all the required items, home repairs, child college plan, water, house, taxes, medical coverage for our son, phone, TV, all, insurance, etc you know what a man is support to do. (provide)




  1. It depends... you left out important things like, are you married or not.  If not, then likely not.  

    If you are, then it depends on the laws of your state, and the situation, and if you're divorcing.  For example, if her debts are all wining and dining other men, or vacations without you, then you could make a case in divorce court that her spending was "outside the marriage" and that she should be responsible for the debt incurred by it.  However, other more standard debts are often community property and divided evenly unless there is an agreement otherwise.

  2. does she work? if she has credit cards in her own name and you're basically paying for everything else - she should pay her own credit card bills - you aren't legally responsible for them - stay away from ALL joint accounts - checking/saving and credit- If I ever remarry (Big IF), I won;t have any joint accounts - my ex spent on credit like crazy and didn't work, while I worked overtime to try and make ends meet

  3. If you are married, you likely are liable for her debt.  If you are not married, but living as a family, if you can show that you paid for everything else, you are also not liable for her debt. If her debts were to support the household, for instance, that is part of the couple, rather than hers alone.

    My sister had to seek legal separation to be separated from the debt that her ex-husband was creating buying all sorts of things and taking trips as well as not paying his share of the taxes owed on his income.  

    My brother had a hard time with my SIL running up debt (in her name). Finally, he cut up the credit cards and had my SIL sign a document indicating all further debts on her cards are hers alone and he sent copies to the credit card companies.  If divorced, the bills were hers, not part of the marriage.  While their marriage survived her period of out-of-control spending, many do not.

  4. this is pretty easy, if you are married you ABSOLUTLEY ARE, if you are married there is no circumstance that would let you out of being liable for her debt, but if you arent married you are responsbile for the debt that has your name on it but nothing else.

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