
I pay £160.00 a month child maintenance to my ex wife. Am I entitlrd to any tax relief or reductions?

by  |  earlier

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I am employed and earn approx £27.000 could be more could be less depending on my workload and bonus every month. Am I entitled to any tax relief.

I also want to claim tax relief for my work tools but don't know how to go about it, and i have also been told that if I wash my own work clothes with the company name sewn into them that i should be entitled to a rebate or relief..... is this true ???




  1. agreed jeanimus is right.

    No tax relief on maintenance payments but maybe on the other expenses.

    Do you belong to a union or does your employer have an agreement with the Revenue on expenses? If so you may have an automatic right to claim. Check it out.

  2. agree with above. No to first part and yes to second

    Details of tax rebabte for tools etc can be  found at:

  3. Yes to the second bit. Phone your tax office (on your p60) and ask them how to make a claim for tools/laundry etc. You should also be able to backdate it.

    Dont think you get tax relief anymore on child support.

  4. Tax relief on maintenance payments was abolished years ago.

    As regards your second query, it depends on what industry you're in and the nature of your job as how you go about it. Some industries have union agreed fixed rate expenses, and that sum is not neogotiable, whether of not you have incurred the full expense, more, or less. If it is not enough, providing the tool purchase is wholly and necessarily for your work, you can claim the extra, but would have to provide receipts as proof of purchase.

    To claim expenses for laundry, the items have to bear a company logo (in other words, you would have a good reason not to wear them outside work), and your employer may have to confirm that he does not provide laundry facilities at your workplace. Again, this may come under the union agreed fixed rate expenses.

    You can backdate your claim for six years, but you would have had to have worked in the same industry for that time.

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