
I peaked in my wifes shopping bag & found a girdle looking thing! Is it okay to have some fun with this ?

by  |  earlier

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NO! Not wear it. That would be the day.

I mean tease her about it.




  1. WHAT?

  2. Well now that depends.... At whose expense?

    If you're talking about trying it on yourself, and having a laugh, why not... I mean personally, I wouldn't find it funny....

    BUT, if you're thinking of making fun of her for buying one... that is not ok in my book.

  3. Word of advice..... Don't even go there!!!

  4. ha ha, you better ask her first! :)

  5. NO!  If she bought it, she did so because there may be lumps and bumps that she isn't pleased with on her body (maybe she had gained weight).  Making fun of it will only embarrass her and make her even more self conscious. Please don't...

  6. play dumb,ask her what stuff did she get. then if you know her well you will see by her actions if shes cool to be play full about it, if not then make yourself look funny with out picking on her. trust me its know fun to make wife unhappy.  

  7. yeah if you want to hurt her feelings and make her feel bad about herself. she probably already hates the fact that she even had to buy it. Be nice!

  8. i dont know if you mean make some jokes about this, but i were you, i wouldnt even say one word about it. you're cruising for a bruising

  9. well that depends on the type of girdle it is. if it is one that is meant to hide her weight then no i wouldn't tease her about that because women are sensitive about their weight so that might cause an issue if you did tease her about that. just be careful you could be treading on thin ice there.

  10. you mean like putting it on? You might have some questions to answer if she finds you with it on, or why it's all stretched out, or why the tags are off it. But hey, do what makes you happy, if wearing women's clothes are your thing, then go for it.  

  11. Wow! LOL!

    Why is it at least once a day some random guy comes on here asking this kind of ridiculous question?

    ADD: LMAO!! In that case why not??

  12. Not unless you're the one that's gonna be wearing!

  13. No you would hurt her feelings.

  14. dont do it

  15. no that would be devastating to her.  and she would def get ticked off

  16. Depends on wither or not you want to stay married.

  17. not if she's given birth to any of your children which would probably be why she would need it


  18. Not if you know what's good for you.

  19. wats a girdle? im xpecting somthing gross!!!

  20. Wow. SMH.

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