
I peeled an orange before going to pay so it would cost less and I got escorted from store. Was this fair?

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I peeled an orange before going to pay so it would cost less and I got escorted from store. Was this fair?




  1. damaging merchandise you don't own - sounds pretty fair

  2. uh yeah - you were being a bit stingy. how much would the orange peel weigh? it wouldnt have made much of a difference to the price anyway.


  4. The retailer bases their prices on the cost to them. The orange peel was part of the wholesale cost. If they allow everyone to peel the orange, they would have to charge more.  

  5. Thats fair but i still give you credit for that idea.  : )

  6. Uh YEAH!  Although, where I live it wouldn't have made a difference, we pay per orange, not per pound...

  7. If they were being sold by their weight, then yes. the company had to pay the extra to import that weight (fuel etc) to keep it fresh. Besides, you didn't actually own the product at the time, therefore it was not yours to peel.

    if however, it was individually priced (i.e. not based on weight) then they are being over zealous and have lost themselves a customer - by taking the skin off, you haven't altered the price.

    I'll tell you a secret, sometimes when i'm in the supermarket, i eat the grapes out of my basket as i walk round, shushhhh...

  8. You didn't pay for the WHOLE orange. That's stealing. You got what you deserved.

  9. My wife was escorted from a store for eating a grape! I'll tell you the same thing I told her,Stealing is Stealing!

  10. yes it was fair you could have waited and peeled it when you got out of the store what were you trying to save six cents?

  11. You intentionally damaged store property.  They cannot assume you were going to pay for it - they have to assume you were not.  They had every right.

  12. Yes, you are a thief. They could have had you arrested. Although, grocery stores I shop at sell oranges by quantity, not by weight. So, you are probably just making this up.

  13. no its not  fair as most oranges are sold as an item and not by weight

  14. lmfao.. thats ridiculous.

    why did you even try it?

    you deserved it

  15. you were so wrong your lucky the store didn't press charges for theft, some stores operate a zero tolerance policy and you got off lightly in my book

  16. You stole the packaging so you should pay  

  17. It is not illegal to eat what your gonna pay for whilst walking around the supermarket as long as you present the packaging at the checkout, this excludes weigh items such as grapes for obvious reasons. example; people with kids give them sweets and give the empty wrapper to the checkout operator. d**n cheeky but not illegal. I bet theres people who don't though.  

  18. Yes - you were acting dishonestly and trying to cheat the store, weren't you? You were lucky that they did not call the police!

  19. Of course it is fair! you are very funny though  you are lucky they just escorted you this time. they could have charged you for stealing!!

  20. Yes it was fair.  

  21. I always cut that great big lump off broccoli before i buy it,I also unpack all the completely unnecessary packaging from any thing i buy and leave it at the shops,my bin is never full.All the idiots calling you tight are the people that are throwing thousands of tons of waste away a week.By the way you can dry out orange peel and lemon peel in the oven and use them as dog treats much better than chocolate treats for the pooch

  22. yes because an orange peel isn't added packaging is the natural skin of the orange to protect it. It they came peeled they would dry out and go horrible  

  23. This is technically fraud by false representation, (assuming of course it s not a wind up) as you are misrepresenting the true weight of the orange in order for personal gain (the lower cost of the product).

    You got off lightly if you ask me.

  24. Yes it was fair. Fruit is charged by the pound. They have a business to run.

    Could you imagine if everyone peeled an orange and ate it before they paid for it?

  25. Yeah, you wouldn't cut the top off a car before buying it, would you?

  26. You should have peeled off your clothes first, for as everyone knows, big fat hairy arsed men carrying a peeled orange are neverchallengedd.

    Well, would you ??


  27. Try it with a tin of peas next time, remember to

    take your tin opener with you.

  28. Why don't you take the kitchen sink and peel all the potatoes, onions, de-bone the chicken, take the fat off the lamb-chops, etc., before going to the checkout? You could save even more. They should do more than escort you out. They should ban you from all the supermarkets in town.

  29. ha ha,i think it was  bit extreme considering wht it was although it's still stealing was saving a fewpence worth ruining your rep if anyone seen you in there

  30. Yes it was fair, the shop still owned the orange until you had paid for it

  31. Yes, you're supposed to buy THE WHOLE ORANGE, not just the parts that you want....

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