
I people REALLY believed that their loved one's spirits were hanging around the cemetery ..?

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or the place where they died...wouldn't they go there a LOT more than they do? (Just like..if you REALLY believe God is in the church building or at each service...wouldn't you go to EVERY service?)




  1. I think it depends on the person. If I knew my loved one was hanging out at the cemetary I'd go a lot more, but I think a lot of people would be freaked out by it and NOT go because of it. As far as God goes, I believe God is with me everywhere, not just in church (I don't go to church), but I think if people truly believed that God WAS in the church they WOULD go to church every sunday, or to visit their deceased loved ones.....but that's the problem, Deenie- most people don't TRULY believe...

  2. More spirits hang around the hospital where they died.

    With psychic abilities my ability is there all the time.Its just that with so many distractions like.TV,music people talking we don:t always focus on our our abilities all the time.

    I have noticed alot of your answers are not in fact you.What is happening to yahoo answers.Stuffing up all the time

  3. Some people would go there. Many would not.

    Many people do not visit much with their family and loved ones even while they are still alive.

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