
I picked my mole, and its came off :O?

by  |  earlier

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But now its a little raised red lump, which looks just like a spot.

Will it heal?





  1. I did not pick my mole and the top is off. I came out of a store a couple of nights ago, got in my truck. My back started itching too high up to scratch, so I just rubbed my back against my seat a little and later it not only itched, but started secreting blood, so I got a mirror and looked at my back. The top looks like it is gone. I have gone over the weekend, but will call a doctor today. So, if someone doesn't understand how easy it is for this to happen, there ya go. I have 3 moles in the same area, and this is, and always has been the largest. Doctors have always said leave well enough alone. It is circular, but what bothers me is the fact the blood was not completely clear and had a yellow tinge to it. Anyway, I am 68, and never had a problem before... so to the doctor I will go.

  2. i just picked off my mole it hurts

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