
I picked up the wrong ipod. What do i do?

by Guest33362  |  earlier

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I have a black i pod and was at my uni open day. I went to the toilet, and picked up what i thought was my ipod then wen i got home realised its not mine. What do i do?




  1. Well, I guess you can't do anything now! If it isn't any different than yours, just keep it. Sync you music to that one, and all is well.

  2. return it

  3. get it.

    erase all songs there and transfer all the songs you like.

    then voila! it is like your ipod again like u did not lose it!

  4. go and find out whos it is then swap it with them

  5. ermm.. is the ipod you now have better? lmaoo i'm joking i would phone up the uni & explain what has happened.. they can only help if the other person has told them aswell, don't worry about it & if they never say anything then just add your songs to the playlist :]

  6. That was a kinda of silly thing to do but don't panic because if it is not in a worse condition than it was before and its not broken than just keep it. You can delete all the old songs and put the ones u like.

    Only return it if the other person says something about it but if not then...

    Alleluia!!! =D

    Hope i Helped!!! :D

  7. Dont do anything to it for atleast a week. Call up the uni and tell them that if any person is reporting a lost ipod ask them to contact you. Verify their authenticity before handing over the ipod. If no one reports and you are still keen to find the owner, try going to an Apple store giving them the battery number and tracing the owner. But i think it is against rules to disclose any information. Anyway it is worth a try! After that you can keep it cause the person who took your pod didnt have any conscience and you tried your best

  8. Phone the uni and see if anyone else has reported picking up the wrong ipod.  If they haven't had anyone else say they have picked up the wrong one, then imo you are ok to keep the one you have.

  9. if you know that person talk to them or someone you know who know that person. If not, you could try using your warranty or if the ipod is better than the one you used to have you should keep it and erase your song you don't like while sync your song inside it.

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