
I pierced my ears by myself?

by  |  earlier

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with safety pins,

how do i take the safety pins out, and put real earrings in?

i tried and it wouldn't fit through the hole

advice for future refrence?

and please don't tell me it's unsafe and what not

i can't aford a professional, so please stop with that.




  1. Take the safety pin out and shove an earring in. Use Bactine. You'll be fine.

  2. Maybe you should have researched this before doing it, genius. You can't afford a professional? What are you...12 and jobless? Or just 12 and stupid?

  3. My best advice for you is this and I know I will get thumbs down from others but i have done it as well as other friends. first take the safety pins out the whole is too small compared to the post of the earrings next get some rubbing alcohol and wipe your ear lobes down and the get some ice and numb your ear lobes. they will turn red and be very cold to touch. use the pin holes you have as a guide where to stick the earrings in and force the new earrings in. They have to be post back earrings not hoops.

    your ears will be very sore for a few days but leave the earrings in for a week or so or until they stop hurting and then you can switch them. Make sure when you pierce your ears that the earrings are real gold or silver!! or you will get a infection. keep cleaning your ear lobes with alcohol and take the back off of the earrings to clean them with alcohol to. it may have some crusty stuff on the back which is normal.

    good luck

  4. Use ice and peroxide and lubricate it with a antibacterial cream!

  5. it wouldn't go through the hole because the safety pins are smaller than the earring posts. what you should do, is put the earrings in backwards. i know it sounds weird, but just listen... use the safety pins as a guide and while you pull them out, slide the earrings in (through the back of your lobe). make sure to use rubbing alcohol beforehand, and a bit of vaseline to ease the earrings in. also use rubbing alcohol again when you're done. keep them in like that overnight and you should be able to flip them and put them in forwards in the morning- the holes just need a little time to adjust/stretch.

    next time, buy piercing needles (you can get them on ebay) 22 gauge is the standard size for earring holes. they are hollow on the inside and you actually put the earring in through the needle, and then slide the needle out after the earring is in. they are also a lot sharper than safety pins so it hurts a lot less.

    clean your ears with dial for a few weeks and rotate the posts to make sure they heal well

  6. the only way you can do it like that is to shuve the earing in

    I mean theres nothing eles you can do

    also at wal-mart theres do it yourself ear guns that are like 6$ instead of going to get it done for 20$

    well good luck

  7. you'll have to leave the safety pins in for at least 2 days, give it some time to heal around the hole so when you take them out the hole will still exist to put the earring in

    next time i would suggest buying the earring/piercing kit from wal-mart for $10; you can always keep and resterilize the earrings if you want to pierce your ears again plus they will take less time healing since it's proper metal

  8. keep poking the earing through. And it might go in. Make sure you put peroxide all over your ear were you poked a hole through.


  9. bad! very bad!

  10. okay well I did that once with only one ear as it was too painful to do the other. but that was 10 years ago.  I had to take the pin out and re pierce it with the proper earing because its slightly fatter, sorry..

    But after a while it got really infected and I had to take the earing out which was about 4 weeks later, I still have very hard scaring in the ear where it use to be. I hope this helps a little. Puting cream or vasiline on it will also help.

  11. ewwwieess u pirce then with earingss! nott saftey pinnn. btw you can get nasty blood clots on the backs of ur ears form doing it wrong and nasty infections needing medicinee for itt s****. aware if u see any redness dont want it to get serious..but my freind did it her self she put ice on her ear to numb it then just used her earingg. i think im gonna be sick now byee.

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