
I pierced my own cartlidge ?

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i pierced my own cartlidge. i did it properly and everything.

but its really burning now. and im trying to touch it so i don't get an infection.

should i just put ice on it ? or spray it with metho? or hot salt water?

idk, any ideas or advice ? thanks so much. xx




  1. Ahh, bad idea piercing your own cartilage. You may have thought you did it right, but it might turn out to be a disaster. Please do not try this again.

    I think it's normal for cartilage to burn and throb... I got my industrial done a month ago, and it's still painful if I touch it even really lightly. This is the same with my friends, who have cartilage piercings.

    Just do what you'd normally do with piercings... use a salt water solution once or twice a day (no more, could make the piercing raw). Keep your hair out of the piercing.


  2. If you did it properly...then ignore all the people telling you you're crazy (I mean with a sterilized needle and jewelry) The burning is just your body fighting the open wound...trying to heal it. No worries! It'll be alright but yeah don't touch it unless your hands are completely clean...and keep doing the cleaning with hot salt water.  

  3. You should get it checked out because honestly you may have thought you took care of it properly but there's a good chance you didn't and just think you might have! You should have a professional pierce any cartilage. A girl once had pierced her own cartilage and ended up having the top portion of her ear removed due to a horrible infection. Hopefully everything with yours will turn out OK, but Id get it checked just in case!

  4. I got mine done professionally and it burned too. I didn't do anything to it, and it went away after awhile. I got it done last year and I still can't sleep on it because it hurts, everyone I've talked to says that theirs does the same so I think you should just leave it. My best friend got hers professionally & pierced right below it by herself, her's got infected after she put ice on it.

  5. when i got mine done it hurt so bad....

    i could feel my heart beat in it...

    it hurt to touch it for months...

    i ended up tying an ice pack to my head with a bandanna and spraying it regularly with bactine ((you can get it at just about any place that sells alcohol) or xpressions (

    which helped a lot..

  6. u silly sausage  

  7. Hot salt water. Well, warm anyway. You won't want it too hot.

    And some ice to stop the burning, ibruprofen for swelling.

    And don't touch it. Or put any sort of alcohol anywhere near it.

    1/8-1/4tsp Sea salt in a cup of hot distilled water. Then wait for it to cool a bit.

    What did you pierce it with? Cause I've been through the terrible infection, and probably shattered cartilidge (never got it checked, ha) and it wasn't fun...

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